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brief history... was with my guy for 8months-long distance relationship. we knew each other for almost two years. we went on a break for about 3weeks and then we broke up.


i went to see him last week. it was perfect. i felt like we were a couple...thing is we wernt when i went to see him i hadnt hoped for anything to happen i just wanted to see him. on the first day, we had a tickle fight and he leaned in and kissed me,it was magic, just like the movies.we did things together(use your imagination) including sleeping together...alot! we broke up, or rather he broke up with me because of the distance. he lives in manchester and i live in s.wales. its been hard on us both but hes been goin through depression and feeling extremely low to the point where he started cutting. i had a perfect week with him. he took me out to a really posh hotel and spent the night together. i felt like such a princess. its so hard because there was nothing wrong with our relationship. we were honest, loving, caring with each other, talked all the time, the only problem was the distance. we decided to stay friends but i know its goin to be hard for us because when we are together we want to act as a couple, we want to kiss, cuddle, hold hands and spend nights together. i miss him so much, i really want him back but i know while we are apart it wont happen. i was thinking of goin to manchester uni before i met him so i am hoping that one day in the future we will get back together but we did say that ut wasnt fair on either of us to wait for the other. i dont want to forget about him, and i know that i will never move on, for the fact that our relationship was perfect.

please if anyone has some advice or been in a similar situation, how do i cope


qt xxx

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I can empathise to a degree. I'm currently in a long distance relationship, my girlfriend lives in Norway and I live in London. She has in fact returned to London to be with me for the Easter period. We've known each other three years and we were together for about the same amount time as you and your boyfriend, the first time around.


We split up after I felt that I was in a situation of waiting years for her. She in turn probably wasn't as ready as I was to deal with the stresses and strains of the relationship. After nearly a year of staying "just good friends", we ended up back together again and it was so much better than ever before. Now we're very much in love and she is planning to move to London in June.


We got lucky though. Where you are now sounds like where we were at when we broke up initially. I love my lady more than anything and she loves me in the same way, as a couple we really work well together. The times apart are VERY hard, we just got done with a one month stretch and then looking at another one month sentence after Easter. Doesn't sound like much, but when you get used to that physicality and closeness, then it's a long time.


Personally though, despite this, I really wouldn't recommend long distance relationships. Yes I got lucky and yes I took a chance and it paid off in massive ways. However the vast majority of LDR's are loaded with heartache and stress. You have to be even more committed to the relationship than in any other. You have to have even more trust in the other person than normal and you have to be prepared to deal with LONG periods of not being able to touch the other person. Sure, you know all this already I realise, but if you are considering getting back into that situation, then make sure you BOTH know what you are doing, where you're going with the relationship and whether it's where you want to be going. My lady and I didn't the first time around and that's why we got in the mess we did.


I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can, so email me on email removed if you want to talk privately.

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i really fell for u gt at this moment , cause i know how it feels my ex broke up with me over the same issue but we were on different parts of the world .one day it will be over believe me the pain will become less and less as time goes on. i guess the hurtful thing is it seem like such the ideal relationship ( no fights just good times) maybe if he was an ass u would have gotten over faster.

maybe u can try to talk to him for closure ,u never know what the future holds .


well lady keep ur chin up its goona be aright soon

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