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World Visions

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My vision for the world is a place where people are free to love themselves and others unconditionally. A world where people stand together for peace, harmony and equality. A loving, connected, compassionate world where people choose from possibility and responsibility. A world where people cherish life as a gift and create health for themselves, their children and the environment. In this world, adults play like children and rejoice in the beauty of every day as a opportunity to love and give of themselves in service to other people. Dreams are not only possible but reality. Laughter and joy are abundant and peace and love are not just words we whisper in Christmas carols but a human's experience of living on earth.


I am on a mission to create this life for myself and others. What would your world be like if you could create it?

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Wow!!! You COMPLETELY read my mind!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one!


In my world, people would live in peace and harmony. People would respect differences, and care for the elders! I think that the world lacks a lot of respect for previous generations. We have a lot of people to thank! Like our scientists, innovative inventors, and philosphers. Without them, the world wouldn't function the way that it does.


I don't know if anybody knows this, but the Incas were the first to come up with the idea of the computer! Wow! I give so much credit to them! Because, without their inginuity, I don't think that the world would be able to keep in touch, globally!!!


Yes! So, we must respect them! Like Leonardo da Vinci. Musicicans from all around the world! Scholars. Plato. Scientists! Albert Einstein! Artists! Rembrandt! Giotto! Cultural foods! Arts! Fashion! Beauty! Arhcitecture! Aerospace engineering! Galileo! Philosphers! The Dalai Lama! Ghandi! What's most important is, we should not focus on killing and hurting others, but rejoicing what life has to offer itself! Without them, life wouldn't be the beautiful theatrical place that it is. Without them, we would not have the eye for designing inguinity in science, art, and social construct!


Instead of building bombs and nuclear weapons, we should harvest our knowledge and education, and invest it in building a BRIGHTER FUTURE!!!Because, beneath it all, we are ALL human! We are all the same!! We have the same needs!!! We are all EQUAL! Don't give into the greedy few!!! Don't buy into their underlying intentions!!! People should not feed into IGNORANCE. Instead, people should Wisen Up! Embrace the true meaning of life. Understand what the true meaning of life is. It's not about deception, and stepping all over people!!! It's about finding happiness amongst each other!!!


So instead of building hate! We should focus on education! Focus on creating Paradise again! This dying earth, Gaya, needs to breath!!! We've been polluting her, and suffocating her enough, that it's almost taking a toll on us. It's tearing down trees that's been living longer than we have. Possibly closer to the Pre-historic times! Those roots, have so much history, so much to say. But in modern times, people are so focused on short-term glut, that they could care less about the damage that's done on our environment!


So in my perfect world, people would embrace knowledge, share each other's culture, respect it. And live in perfect harmony! But, that's just my Utopia! I know this is a controversial topic, but this is how I see it, I don't think that we are trying to play God or anything, but "Genetic Engineering" is the wave of our future! It carries on sooo much potentials!!! As humans, we can either make it or break it! In other words, we should not make poor judgement, and make poor use of it. For instance, in building chemical/germ warfare, Instead, focus on sustaining this beautiful environment! This beautiful Metropolis!


We should have more research on how to genetically engineer bacteria that will help to recycle this environment! You know, scietists have already found Nitrogen 4 bacteria, which helps to break down pollutants, landfill trash, and sewage treatment. Basically, these bacterias help to clean up the earth! They eat up the dirty trash. They use earth's natural elements to decompose such wastes! And then, they recycle it!


There are several things with Genetic/Bio-Engineering. New hopes to cure cancer, prolonged life, prolonged youth! Bringing back the green that the leaves are now lacking. They're all yellow!!! Bacteria can be helpful too, in lots of ways! Not all of them are bad germs! Those little critters do more than what people can imagine! How else do you think that we get our tap water from??? LOL!


Isn't that amazing! So if we could focus our money into scientific innovation, then we wouldn't have to worry about killing people for gas, harming others to grab their natural resources! We are more MODERN than that! So, we should act like it, and carry onto others, the precious knowledge that our ancestor's passed down!


Live in Joy. Live in Harmony! Celebrate culture! Celebrate Art! Focus on human incentives. Focus on living in Peace, in a healthy and tranquil environment! We should use science to reflourish this beautiful place! Rejoice in art, to carry on that Renaissance beauty and romance! More greens, more clean air, more education, more happiness. Less greed! Less hate! Less egotism!


I think that my war's more about fighting for a more humane society, rather than making enemies!

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wow......totally gobsmacked and what more can i say i totally agree with what you both want in an ideal world.


Never knew the incas came up with the idea about computers ( waves, and smiles to mahlina)....hmm where did you here that?


i think the world would be a lotter better place if if we could exsperience the emotions of people we have a grip with..until we understand their mindset and get to grips with how they think..and hopefully see their point of view.Thus preventing a hell of a lot of conflict.


The sioux indians have a prayer which reads


"o great spirit, keep me from ever judging and criticizing a man until i have walked in his moccasins for two weeks "


Wishfull thinking i know but theirs so much wisdom in that prayer.

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woopsydaisy ,


Never knew the incas came up with the idea about computers ( waves, and smiles to mahlina)....hmm where did you here that?

Got that info from my history teacher!!! Awsome guy!!! He's such a liberal Lutherine! I love HIPPIES!!!!

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