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Hello people, recentl;y I have been growing more distant from everyone around me, e.g. friends family because I cannot tell why I cry. I can cry on my boyfriend and tell him things but I cannot tell my friends. All I want to do is curl up in a corner and sleep for ever. All I see all the time is my dead grandpas face. It makes me cry when I am alone and I feel so bad, I couldn't see him when he was dying. It would have killed me.

So back to my friends I am never quite there when I am talking to them, so I naturally get left out, but sometimes they talk abouttheir old school which I did notgo toand I feel so badand like I am intruding. I know all of this is my fault and I should go back to counselling but they were brain washing me there. I could not breath.

What can I do I do not want to loose another lot of friends, I have had about 16 best mates in my life time, ones that should have lasted some did for about a decade.

I seem to have a really weird relationship with my family where i am distant but close at the same time. I have arguments and gossip with them but some thing has kept me apart for months. I am also not dealing well on the be happy factor and self harm I haven't doen it for a week but it has been constantly on my thoughts.

I also do not want to go to college or uni which I should do because I am a high achiever and need a degree but I need change but I am stuck.

Please help anything would be appreciated

sphinx xxx

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i think that you should constantly tell your friends how your feeling, because if you dont tell them then how are they supposed to know. maybe it was a little inconsiderate of them to talk about a subject which you have no knowledge of but im sure that you do the same, maybe without realsing it, just as they have.


~LJ =;

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