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Break-up forever with 2 EXs? I was always the dumpee who is now in CONTROL!

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I do NOT want to talk to my EXs anymore, but, I really feel so down these days, especially because of the news my EX.1 told me. : (


I know it's painful, but the fact that he felt the need to share that info with you indicates that you're still on his radar -- he wanted you to know. Twisted as his reason for telling you might be, the fact is that if you weren't on his mind at all he wouldn't have troubled to tell you. He wouldn't have bothered to email you at all, and he certainly wouldn't have shared that choice little tidbit. I wonder if that was a bit of payback for the fact that you were going to leave town without telling him or saying goodbye.


Hurts right now, but long-term who will be better off? You, on to new things and conducting herself with integrity when it comes to her relationships? Or Mr. Distancer, who jumps quickly into new relationships without tying up the old one and moves in with a new girlfriend (rather quickly) while still thinking about his ex? I know where my money will be. I pity his current girlfriend -- she probably thinks she's in a wonderful, stable relationship, but what are the odds that he'll pull the rug out from under her sooner or later?

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