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Can I save the relationship?---Please opinions needed

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I broke up with my boyfriend about a week ago we had been living together for almost a year. I found an ad on an internet dating site basically looking for sex partners. I felt betrayed and I have always been very jealous in the relationship so I freak and kicked him out. The ad on the internet was not really the problem. The problem was my jealousy. I was always suspicious and looking for signs of cheating. I believe he was fateful to me and the internet dating ad was something he threw up when he was bored at work to see if he would get any responses. The reasons I think this is that he never plays on the internet at home. We are together almost all the time I really dont know when he would have found the time. And he gave me his password to his email which is how I found out he had put out a profile. My biggest concern is how can I get over the suspision and jealousy so I can get him back. I dont know for sure that he is not just playing me which drives me crazy but I am almost positive that he did not cheat on me. Is there a way to get over the suspicion and jealousy? How can you find trust?

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Hi Linzar, I'm sorry for your situation, I've never ben jealous really, probably the thing with me is that i totally the opposite and that can cause problems when you are with a jealous person. My girl broke up after 9 months a couple of months back, I knew after a couple of month's going out with her that she was a very jealous person, but it is only since we broke up, that I realise she was really really jealous. The worst thing about it was she got jealous over things that I had absolutely no control over, ie, my ex being in the same nightclub as us!!!, or her texting me.


I mean it when I say i did my best not to wreck her head, but nothing worked, the more I tried, the worse it got, I would never know what she would get mad over next.In the end i got worn out and stopped trying.

She broke up with me cause she believes that if she was with the right guy she'd never feel that way, I think that's crap. She needs to deal with the jealousy but doesn't even think she has a problem.


My advice to you is to get this sorted before you get back with your ex or else it'll end in tears.


Just ask yourself, why you feel that fear and anger, what is it that thinks these things will happen, what is the worst that can happen. Basicially I don't know what advice to give you, but having been in his situation, got my heart broken over it, I advise you to get it sorted, for both of you two's happiness.

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