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Broke up 8 months ago but still love him

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I just spoke to my ex today, I miss him terribly. We are both in new relationships but I miss him and Its getting harder to ignore. He was the love of my life for 5 years but I had to break it off as he didnt want to commit. I know we can never be together but I am scared I will never get over him.


I feel awful as I am in a new relationship (4 months in) and the guys is so wonderful and I really want it t work but I can't get him out of my head. I wish I could hate him but I just find myself thinking about all the good times. Like all the bad stuff never happened!


I really like the new guy and I thought it was going ok but my ex has somehow sneaked back in my head!


I don't know how to control this, how do you stop loving someone! I need to know pleeeease xx



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Maybe you believe this new guy is not as good as your ex?


Of course this would be making you miss your ex 10x more... Don't compare the new guy with the ex. Look at the new person in a totally different light.


What is your ex saying to you? Does he miss you etc?

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No he doesn't miss me, well he is not saying he is and he says things are well between him and his Girlfriend. I was so sure it was over and I couldn't wait to move on but for some reason I can't stop thinking about him now. I shouldn't compare him to my boyfriend but I am, massively and I need to stop because I want to be with Matt (current guy). I just cant control my mind! How do I exorcise him! I never see him or speak apart from today, its like I fancy him again even though he was a complete wanker to me!


Should I come clean to him or the new guy?

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Take your time and give the new guy a chance.focus on your relationship with him.if he is a good guy and you think he is worth it fight for your new relationship.you will learn to appreciate and love the new guy with time, just take it slow and be honest,dont keep any feelings inside..alway be honest and tell your new guy whats going on instead of keeping it inside and act weird.he will understand you were in a LTR and you need help forgetting your ex....I was the new guy and my girl kept her feelings inside...she didn't helped me help her...I am not the only guy in the world, but she will one day realize her mistake and it might be too late...

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