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Ok Jelous or just upset


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Ok everyone it is kind of along topic but please read and understand I just want some advise on what to do.

I have a boyfriend that I've been with for a few years and I really love him but currently he is incarsarated and told me to go have fun and enjoy because he probally won't be out until July of next year.

so I am trying to make different friends and enjoy my life with out him his name is Shane,

ok then there is another guy that is just a friend and has had a big crush for a very long time and he is nice guy but quite a bit older then me and we are just friends His name is Dimas

last but not least ok there is a new guy that I am being friends with his name is cole. We are only a few years apart in age so that makes it more fun to be around. We are just friends and plan to keep it that way. My b/f and Dimas are both quite a bit older then I am.

Cole and I went go carting and then went and spent the day with his eight month old son and Dimas was very mad at both of us for it. We are figuring it's jelousy but he won't admit it. I do like Cole a little as more then a friend but I love Shane and don't want to mess up that relationship either. I just need to know what to do and why Dimas would be so upset as to tell us he hates us both before even finding out what we did together.

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First of all, even though you love him a lot, make sure your relationship with Shane is worth it. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but sometimes its hard to get the guys who get incarsarated, to level out and be the good husband and/or father that we are eventually looking for.


As for the other guys, I don't see any issues with just being straight with them. With Dimas, it sounds like he is being shallow, and there might be more to the story. Maybe you should go talk to Dimas without Cole there, or any huge distractions. Like take him for a walk in the park so that you guys have a bit of privacy, and if he wants to spill something to you, he can. I'm not saying he will, but its a possibility. If you judge him right now, you might be doing just what he might be dong to you.


Remember, if you assume, you only make an *** of "u" and "me".

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