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Ok i have been going out with my girlfriend for about 2 months now. At the very begginnign things were a little shaky because of problems with her ex boyfriend. She decided that we neeeded to take a little break so she could have time to deal with her problems. I didnt want to but agreed and it ended up only lasting a couple days. Today she talked to me on the internet and i felt like i was bothering her so i said i was gonna leave her alone. She said wait cause we needed to talk. She feels that we have a great physical relationship but a very weak emotional relationship. She also said tonight that she doesnt feel wanted. I dont know how she could feel like that. All i ever want to do is be with her, i am somtimes afraid she'll get sick of seeing me. Anyway i think the problem is that we dont get out to do things often. Usually we'll end up laying in her bed and watching tv or something. I asked why she didnt feel wanted and she said she didnt know and i should figure it out. How can i make her feel wanted. Maybe if we do more things together other than watch tv we could bond and have a more emotional relationship? Any comments would help, thanks.

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iv been here myself,havin an ex boyfriend that has causes her some hurt will b difficult.my best advice is to stand by her.she isnt sayin it as any offence to u,itd most prob be the same if she were with any other guy. it will take time and alot of patience on ur behalf,because shes not sayin it out of spite its because shes mayb worried of bein hurt again?in time if you stand by her she will trust u more and more and open her heart to u more and more,prove to her ur not like her last boyfriend by standin by her is the best thing u can do,because its prob not gonna go away just like that.if she needs space then give it to her,but try not to suffocate her. let her know ur there for her, its gonna take time. its only been 2months for u guys,she wont have completely let her guards down yet, and she prob wont for a another few months. if she is worth it then just b there.

i was very insecure because of bein treated badly in a past relationship and my new bloke just walked away from me because he couldnt hack it,and i was gutted,because everything else about the relationship was perfect. i see him as a weak man now because he didnt stand by me and realise it was my insecurities, not me that was makin me say bad things. if hedv stood by me and made me stronger then idv appreciated that more than anything in the world.

mayb take her on a few little romantic meals out or take her on a day out somewhere,make her laugh,all go out with mates together, give her somethin to look forward to,make her feel special again and that the future isnt gonna b full of bad things like the past.i dont know what this last guy did,but im 99% sure that shes not sayin she doesnt feel loved because of what ur doin...

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