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  1. Ok i have been going out with my girlfriend for about 2 months now. At the very begginnign things were a little shaky because of problems with her ex boyfriend. She decided that we neeeded to take a little break so she could have time to deal with her problems. I didnt want to but agreed and it ended up only lasting a couple days. Today she talked to me on the internet and i felt like i was bothering her so i said i was gonna leave her alone. She said wait cause we needed to talk. She feels that we have a great physical relationship but a very weak emotional relationship. She also said tonight that she doesnt feel wanted. I dont know how she could feel like that. All i ever want to do is be with her, i am somtimes afraid she'll get sick of seeing me. Anyway i think the problem is that we dont get out to do things often. Usually we'll end up laying in her bed and watching tv or something. I asked why she didnt feel wanted and she said she didnt know and i should figure it out. How can i make her feel wanted. Maybe if we do more things together other than watch tv we could bond and have a more emotional relationship? Any comments would help, thanks.
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