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Guitarrists & Girls - What's the connection here?

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I saw this topic posted on another forum and just thought I'd gather opinions.


Why are girls so attracted to guitarrists? (It seems more around the punk rock and rock genres of music).


What is so compelling about guitarrists?


This is more for the teenage crowd of girls to comment on, but any other opinions are welcome... This question has just baffled me beyond comprehension. I also have to believe this to an extent. The girl I like and her friend, whom I give rides to track practices saw my guitar in the back seat and seemed quite thrilled and amazed by it. Maybe its because I'm a hard person to get to know and not much is known of me, but I can always dream of impressing that special someone through my talents. Spose I'll have to post about her once this post is wiped from the main page.



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(im a guitarist guy and this is only thing I can think of) I think they know that guitarist are quite in tune with their emotion. We in love we write love songs, when angry we write hate filled lyrics. Thats the only logic I can see.


Yes I do write love songs when in love, and hate / anger songs when I am mad.

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hey guys


i was watching 'robot jones jnr' cartoon with my little sister today, and interestingly enough the characters wanted to form a band to get the girls. And the moral? It worked- instant rock band ment instant hit with the girls because they were 'cool'?


Why? i don't really know. I guess that sense of aura and confidence comes about from them, after all its not like everyone one you know has the skill to be part of a gang who play music. You just stand out as posotively different yet talented and skilled at the same time, and that is appealing because you also become desirable.


The same can be said about boybands. Yea they are a individual bunch of good looking guys, but the fact that they have that extra skill and talent of singing and dancing sets them a step above all the other good looking guys at school. Being part of a band makes you you become more desirable and 'cool'.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find the guitar to be.. common. Pretty much every guy and his brother can play it, so there's no uniqueness to it, and rarely requires any talent. There's more to music and instruments besides words and a guitar. Much more. But not many people realize that.

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maybe cause us guitarists are good with our hands?


hmm... well the guitar is a common instrument to own, but 90% of the people i know who own a guitar just know like 3 chords and one song at most. i wouldn't call them guitarists. all instruments do require talent to master.


i think it's mainly cause girls are into music and art and culture more than guys usually are. i carry around a guitar with me quite a lot to uni, and play it a lot, and there will be quite a few girls around that like listening to me play, but i doubt it means that they're attracted to me. it's just a plus.

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I am currently learning guitar, I am a girl and have learning for a year and ahalf,


I can say its a very hard instrument to learn, it may look easy to play, and there is guitarists that only know three chords, well i can tell you that true guitarist know hang of alot more and takes time and dedication to learn and anyone that can play any instrument i admire very much!!

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confidence man, confidence ... and if ur in a band, you have the guts to get up in front of people and play, AND make mistakes, without caring (or showing that you do) ... not to mention the emotional connection between a good guitarist and his music ... especially if the guitarist acts confident on stage ... chicks dig confidence (not bragging), plain and simple. Girls also appreciate love songs, because they can make an emotional connection, even if they aren't interested in the guy ... now singing and playing at the same time is also another big turn on for them ... shows even more talent & confidence ... I sound like a broken record (no pun intended), but it's true ...



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