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You just need to get one-on-one time with him. And hey, you can even bring up those old conversations to break the news. You can be all "Hey do you remember when we used to talk about if one of our friends was gay in high school? And we all agreed we wouldn't care? Do you still feel the same way about it?" ... and take it from there. Just find some time to talk just you and him and go for it!


^Thats a great idea!

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yeh its the same friend, well the first time we talked was when i was really drunk on saturday haha and she was too, but she never said anything to him cuz im sure if she did we wouldnt have hung out today haha

thats the thing though like im still very attracted to girls too but hes the only guy that ive been attracted to...she said it probably happened because we used to spend every single day together pretty much and the feelings just developed but yeah her sayin that to me yesterday doesnt make me want to even bring it up

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lol so i didnt say anything but i definitely think that i made stuff known...i was drunk he was sober. we were in the hot tub with everyone and i definitely rubbed my feet over his and stuff haha and we were sitting around the fire talking about that show supernatural and i kept tellin him that he looks exactly like one of the guys on that show and before i even finished saying that he finished the sentence for me being like ..."oh like jared padalecki?" hahah then he gave me a ride home

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there wasn't really a reaction but from what i remember he also didn't move his foot away right away...and like the whole night whenever someone would talk to one of us he would somehow bring me into the conversation to talk about stuff we used to do when we were best friends and just stuff like that... the eye contact is what gets me every time lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

What you need to do is get totally drunk when you tell him or maybe fake being drunk. Get some beers and poor a few cans down the drain to make it look like you were drink. That way if he reacts badly you can play it off that you were drunk and didn't mean it. If he reacts good tell him you were never drunk. Lol.

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i agree, i was reading the whole thing and the idea kept coming back. why the hell don't u fake being drunk and say stuff like, lets go out, or something even raunchier, let's get it on. stuff like that but make sure people don't hear you, and then keep drinking ur beer. maybe tip ur beer out before hand and put water in it or something fizzy.

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