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Advice on Sleeping tablets??

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Did you eat just before you took it? I take ambien (not familiar with your pill) and if I eat before I take it, it does nothing for me. It's much better to do on an empty stomach. It works well for me then.


Hiya, i had toast before i took it, was kind of weary taking it on an empty stomach. Have this fear of what if something happened in the middle of the night and i did not waken up.

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I've taken ambien on empty stomachs a million times. Never made me sick. I can understand being weary about that though. Try eating the toast about an hour before and then take it. Semi-empty may be ok to take it on (I mean it may work better for you then).


Talk to metrogirl on here--she takes sleeping meds too and can probably be of help with it!

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I was prescribed those too and they worked for me. They actually knocked me out. I would have to take one while I was already in bed because I could hardly walk if I took one before bed. Maybe they were a stronger dose than yours. If they're not working maybe you can go back and ask for a stronger dose.

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