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head all over the place

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just needed to write this i guess

For anyone who has read my previous posts then u know what i am talking about. Its been nearly a month since i last saw him now, and just seems like forever.

Trying to keep myself busy, but still he fills my thoughts, every second, of every day. Im scared to sleep as when i do i dream of him and for a split second when i awake it feels so real, and i turn over but he is not there.

I have always prayed to god once a week or something. But now i find myself praying to god every night. Anyway, sure u guys are sick of hearing from me now.

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no, no one is sick of hearing from you. thats the point of this forum. have hope i know its hard. if you are using god as a tool then ask him to remove the thoughts as they come up. its like addiction our mind goes there like candy.


i dont know your whole story but there is no shame in letting go, even if its a little. give your self time to heal.

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