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disappeared off the face of the earth

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so after a few weeks of reading _ have decided to finally post something..its ben 9 weeks and its till hurts like the first day- why? I have never been this sappy in my life...


Story goes like this..boy meets girl...boy likes girl and girl likes boy so they get together but are not in a relationship 'officially' according to conventional standards....boy gets tired of the arrangement and finds another girl to be with....


Ok so I am the first girl..and I had come to terms with the fact that he entered a new relationship which was cool because I recognized where I fell short in certain areas..so I attempt to be friends- let him know the hard feelings were minimal but that we had gone through too much together to just let everything go....


he responded eventually and seemed to really regret what had happened and how he hurt me...


skip to two weeks later- he disppears...cant explain everything because of time constraints but basically he moved from living two doors away and disppared- I have no means of contacting him- its been five weeks since!


Am I an idiot waiting in vain for him to call -to contact- I check my emails daily - i wait on my pphone to ring- I feel like such a punk! its kinda obvious he doesnt care enuff to even contact me- so why cant i get over him and get him out of my mind? please help..

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This is normal, and can happen to anyone. I agree, it sounds like he is shallow, and yet you still care. Try getting out of the house with some girlfriends and go meet some new guys. Find someone better already. There is nothing there, and if there will be, then it will come into play at a later time.


Dwelling on what seems to be a lost cause only causes depressed thoughts and the refusal to move on and have fun with the life you have. You are single...flaunt it!!! Make it a personal challenge to find someone else.

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thats the ironic part- i am doing all the things that come with enjoying my single life..I am involved in numerous hobbies-my friends and I go out and have fun- i dont even talk much about it..because I think it will give me too much depressed thoughts..but when I have time alone- it comes to haunt me..and it hurts like hell- esp the part of him not contacting me at all- its almost as if he never cared! ....

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i dont rekon it means that he dont care,cos it may well b that hes not contactin u because it hurts him too much to b in contact.iv just told my ex that i dont think we should hav contact nemore,its not that i dont care its because it hurts too much because i still love him and wanna b with him. its just fate tellin u it wernt meant to b i guess. how long were u with him?its just about bein strong,its a part of history but ur gonna end up clouding ur chances of bein happy again with sm1 else that will b there 4u and make u happy again.this is just life and i think it sucks.but what choice do we hav,we just gotta deal with whats happened.things happen for a reason and it will help u move on if hes not there.u gotta appreciate what u hav got, u only live once.i know exactly how u feel it hurts like hell, i tried bein friends with the guy cos i didnt wanna lose him but he wernt makin ne effort,now thats a guy that obv didnt care hey.u hav to b strong,keep tellin urself its for the best.ur too good to b beatin urself up over this,its not ur fault and theres not much u can really do. its just fate. u can find sm1 else,but can u imagine how much it will hurt u when he finds sm1 else?i feel sick just thinkin about that.give urself sometime, its still gonna hurt but it will get better in time.uv got one life,u mite aswell make the most of it cos the worst feelin in the world...is feelin of regret.u did ur best,its not ur fault....dont waste another day

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He cared, and may still care...people don't enter relationships short or long without emotions, you don't lose them overnight. Silence doesn't always mean the person doesn't care...it may be more that they don't know how to handle it or con't deal with it right now. You will hear from him again, it may be when you least expect it, but it will be when HE is ready. So, I guess what I'm saying is, don't beat yourself up. You may have made some mistakes...it happens. He also had a choice to work it out and deal with it. Skipping out without a word goodbye is the weak way to do it...probably has more to do with him than you.


Glad to hear your staying busy, but eventually the curiosity will get the best of him and he'll want to see what your up to. Be genuine, strong and positive.


Sometimes we're not really that broken up, but it has a reflection on our ego. I'm not shallow, but I've been on a date where I knew I really didn't want to see the person again, but he actually didn't call me again. Then it bugged me...hmmm, why???? What's wrong with me? Does that make sense??




Good luck & let us know if he makes an appearance.


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some days are good- some days are bad..today is a really bad day and I miss him....i know it stupid to try and figure out his actions but sometimes i just cant help myself...i wonder if i ever cross his mind- does he miss me at all- i remember when we were on speaking terms he would say he use to think about me all the time while he was out with his new girl..i wonder if that still happens...his absolute refusal to contact me ..is so weird- cant help but feel really used right now- but i guess by tomorrow I'll be over this feeling..i wish i could stop thinking about him though...its as if he never leaves me mind! this healing process is so annoying its like a never ending roller coaster!

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Getting onto this sight and venting was probably one of the better things you could do. Here is a suggestion....try to think of what can help you (within reason of course) and remember it. Maybe in the future, you will have someone in your same shoes on this website, and they will need some advice. Maybe you will have a small idea to help them through what you had such a hard time with.

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