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I just want to say I've never felt so confused in my entire life.


My ex g/f dumped me 2 weeks ago, I waited 2 days, we hung out for couple hours, then we didn't talk for 1 week. Wednesday afternoon she calls me and asks if I can help her move. At this point I really miss her so I volunteer. I go over, things are fine, we pack things up, joke, hang out and things feel really good. I noticed many times when we were laughing she'd look at me like she used to when she wanted to kiss me, and I could see her trying to restrain herself. Finally I don't remember why, but we were wrestling around with her girlfriend and my ex had her lips less than an inch from mine so I let her have it, she paused, then gave me one of the best tongueless kisses ever. She asked why I never came to see her, I told her because she dumped me "hence" that's usually a sign to stay away...all these I took as good signs and I felt great, best I'd felt since breaking up. Then come over the guys, 5 guys come over looking for the girls with arms full of cases of beer. The girls tell the guys they're moving and can't hang out so the guys leave.


Yesterday I, thinking that maybe after the day before the ex may want to hang out, she'd mentioned it the night before head on over. So I'm driving and as I get close to her house 2 of the guys from the night before are walking down the girls street. They didn't know which house was the girls, just the street, so they were looking. I stopped and talked with them, we burned a fatty then went to the girls house. We made plans to go to these guy's apartment. Couple hours later we're hanging out at these guys apartment and the entire night the ex doesn't look or talk with me. Later in the night she's all into it with one of the guys roommates who just came over in the middle of the party from jail, was in jail for the last month...a little earlier we were walking and the guy from jail and I were talking and he was talking about how awsome the girls are and how there's enough to go around if I just hang out for a little bit and he's saying all this s*** that really bothers me. At the same time when we get back to the apartment, he's all over my ex, and she's thinking he's genuine.


I really don't understand how 2 days could be so different. One day there was mass attraction, the next day I just feel like a total and complete moron. Is this the typical relationship after breaking up????????????? I feel sad now and really wish I had just stayed away from her. I don't think I should try to see her again, what do you guys think?

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I am so sorry that she put you through that. Some girls are all about convience. I dont really know why she felt the need to play with you like that when it is obviouse that you still are into her. I do have a question for you though had she been drinking when she was all over this other guy?

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When it regards women and guys, never listen to what a woman says, because more often then not it will be in contradiction with what type of guy she's actually attracted to.


For your situation I'd recommend just letting her go. Don't contact her in any way, including e-mail and MSN. Basically if she's wants you she'll find you, and in the meantime you can move on with your life. To be honest I'm not into the insensitive drama queens...which your ex seems to be. Also, if she's only calling you when it's convenient for her (like to help her move) just tell her your busy. Don't allow yourself to be used. Just remember you have the power here, all you have to do is realize that at any point you can just walk. And one really important thing you have to remember is that she is only looking out for herself right now, and you should do the same...don't think you're being an a$$hole...

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this is a tough situation hun..i think u should leave her alone..shes a total waste of ur time n energy..kick back for a lil bit..hangin with ur fam can sometimes really help someone get over there ex..no joke lol..it sounds kinda funny but the love of ur fam is always good n be around possitive ppl who support w/e decision u make..i know u will find that special girl who will be everything ur lookin for in a girl n u will in time..i say in time because it might take a while but in time u will forget about ur ex girl..

i hope i helped u out some..sometimes catchin a flick or goin to a party with ur boys can help u..if ur the kinda guys thats a lil inpacient try goin to a club with the fellas..ull find a quick replacement there..until u find the right one..hold on to the girl from the club..but anyways i hope u find what ur lookin for..bye!

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as a female, i can almost see why she did what she did... we like our comfort zones... we like having stability... i think when things hapened that day, she saw u as the ex, who had once offered her that stability. i think there also might have been a touch of ego boosting going on... u went over to her house to help her move-to her that may have translated to you saying "i want you still and am willing to do this for you"

i think u should probably let her go and not contact her for a while, for ur sake... even if she still has feelings for you, it doesnt sound as if she has ne serious intentions on following up on them with rekindling the relationship... just take it easy for a while... maybe look at other girls, the same way she is looking at other guys.. u might not find ur soulmate by casually dating or meeting new people, but u will stop dwelling on whats gone by!

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