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One of my Last Posts about my Ex ...

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Just wondering if anyone could actually tell me a step by step on how to handle the ex here on out.


I am not sure if I should abandon hope or not. She has told people she misses her old life, not citing me of course. Everyone can see that her getting around and being into fashion is her trying to replace me and she is miserable. She wont realize what I was to her (this is coming from her friends and mine). So should I just give her space and just heal as much as I can. Or should I try to stay around in her life so she doesnt forget me? I dont know what to do anymore. I love her, but at the same time she is the biggest coward ever.


Anyone want to throw me a bone, everyone I have talked to says to leave. I on the other hand really would like to know if I can salvage anything from this.

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Give her space and time.


If you love her, you should let her go.


If she loves you she will see that she has made a mistake and will return.


Your ex girlfriend will not no what she has lost if you do not let her go, if you stay in contact she gets to keep you as a friend while she gets stronger and moves on. During this time, you will not heal or move on and will only prolong the pain.


It wont be easy but if you love her and care for her you need to respect her wishes and give her all the space she needs.


Nobody can say how long it will take for her to relize what she has lost, sh emay never relize it her self.


But rest assured that when she sees that she is losing you she will be the first person to contact you.


Just try to stay strong, remember she cannnot miss you if you are still around, she will not forget you over night, and if she loves you she will come back.


If she does forget you and Im not saying she will, was she worth it.


Ask your self this question: Is she/relationship worth fighting for ?


If the answer is yes, you have to give it time. You are currently dealing with all of the hurt and pain, there will come a time when the pain weakens and you will start to move on.


It sounds like you ex-girlfriend is smoke screening things, she is not dealing with the breakup. She cannot keep this up forever, there will come a point in her life whenever it maybe that she will see that she has messed up and will have to deal with all the pain and upset that you will already have been through.


Im in the same kinda position as you, its a waiting game. There are no rules and no time limits if you love her.


She made her choices, its time you make yours. Step out of her life, set her free, give her the time and space to deal with her emotions. When she is reay she will return.


Hope I have been of some help, Im 2 weeks into the NO CONTACT and its proper tough.

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