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Any female/male advice please

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Okay, to anyone who cares,


I had this friend and we were becoming really good friends and I was not attracted to her and she became attracted to me. Upon finding out I approached with the "I'll give it a shot" opinion. We began something small and she was way more into it than I expected, so I backed out. Then, a few weeks later, I felt like a complete idiot because here is this gret girl that I'm already friends with that is truly interested in me and enjoys the same things as me. So I tried again with her and was successful until I blew it again for self-esteem issues. Now after seriously messing with this girl we have rebuilt our friendship and I think there are romantic feelings growing once again. My question to you is, should I pursue this or be gratefull for our friendship and wait for her move(it is unlikely that she make a move)


Other inf: 1) I'm am not good with girls 2) I am really hung up on this girl

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Hi J_Hol


I think you started very wrong with the ' I'll give a shot' attitude. No girl like to be 'just a shot'. She wants you want her.. be in love.. dream, eat and think her!


I think she is right in her cautious approach: you already disappointed her twice!


What you should do is show her your love, let her find out what great guy you are, despite the past experiences.



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YOu basically need to WOW her! A girl that will give you another chance is a keeper. Taking her to dinner and a movie isn't enough. Be creative and show her how much you really care. Actions speak much louder than words so if you truly want to be with her you need to act upon it.

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