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What does guys usually talk about when talking to girls


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I want to know what guys talk about when they talk to girls. Theres a guy and a girl who known each other for less than 4 months. They see each other Tuesday and Thursdays, 2 hours each day in Tae Kwon Do class. They rarely practice Tae Kwon Do with each other and usually busy with training. But things got heat up and they're having a serious conversation (not sex though). When I read the girl's myspace bulletin about the quiz she took, she wrote that shes talked to the guy over an hour, anxious to see him this weekend and over the summer.


Ive been trying to have a serious conversation with girls the way the "guy" have conversation with the "girl" but I just can't. Does it have to do with looks and automatic you get a girl having a serious conversation with you

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-drinks/drinking stories



Pretty much ^^ Just things you can both relate to..


-Strewberry comparision from around the world.. apparenty Swedish strewberries are nicer than strewberries from Spain, I never knew that..


-Life goals, What I want to achieve rar rar rar what I have achieved.. without being bigheaded.. I remember saying ''What are you doing to change the world then?'' that went down pretty well

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i talk about anything with girls. they're people too you know.


But seriously, any mode of conversation is appropriate with a female friend. And yes, in my experience at least, any (including personal - to women that is - stuff). In my experience, if a female friend trusts you greatly, then she often opens up and becomes a two way street.

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1. submarine warfare


LOL, I'll try that on my next date


To OP:

Let her do the talking and react on what she says by asking questions:

For example,

Her: I like clubbing

You: Yeah, it's great from time to time. Which clubs do you prefer?

....and so on.


But you have to be careful, don't make it a questionnaire. Don't agree on everything, stand your ground. You can have different opinions. That's a point many ignore nowadays. Just keep her talking because that's what they like ;-).


May take some practice, but you'll get it someday.

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