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How do i hold hands/touch a girl w/o it being awkward?

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I went on a first date with this girl to the movies last weekend. The entire time i was trying to figure out how i could either hold her hand/put my arm around her; and i failed. Throughout the entire date we never touched. On the next date i go on with her (probably bowling followed by a movie) i want to be sure i either hold hands/put arm around her while walking. How do i go about doing this in a way that is not awkward for either of us?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

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We could use some more detail-wise; what sort of vibes do you pick up off of her? Do you sense something from her, that she wants to be touched? If so, then you pretty much go for it, subtly and easily. Some more info would be appreciated so better advice can be given, but for the most part, trust your instincts and use finesse.

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hmm... well im not sure i can provide any more info since i've only dated her once. But i mean when do people usually start to hold hands/walk with hand around one another?

also do u think saying "wanna hold hands" at the beginning of a movie sounds really childish/stupid?

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At the movies place your hand palm-up on the mutual armrest, this may seem strange to her she will look at you. Make eye contact and get a good read. If this fails just be phisically playful like any other buddy, sounds dumb but it works

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