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i have a new problem i need help with, I am really confused about how my friend feels about me. She always is rubbing against me, walking really close, smiling at me and she also plays with her hair and jewlery alot around me like shes nervous. I dont know if these are any signs that she likes me but she is also always talking about making out and kissing and sex, she is always bringing this up around me. but she never talks about any of this when other people are around just when we are alone.


my friend is a girl and i am a girl

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Not sure what you want to hear, but yes, these are all definite signs she likes you. And it sounds like she likes you quite a lot. The talk of making out and kissing could possibly just be seen as normal talk between friends of the same sex. But when you combine the touching, being close, and smiling, it does indicate she has an attraction.


You have to decide what your comfort level is. It may go no further than this, and you may stay very good friends. If she wants to take it further, you have to be prepared to deal with it in whatever way you can.


If you're not interested, then let her down very, very easy. Try not to make her feel badly. That might be difficult, but having been her friend, the rejection could hurt very badly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Those sound like definate signs of attraction to me...i know this because i have the same feelings for another girl...and thats pretty much what I do....my friend doesn't know either, but I'm about to tell her how I feel...(i know this doesn't matter) but I just want to let you know that if you feel the same way...tell her...if you don't.... as ASH said, definatley let her down easy...cause I'm not sure if I'm gonna get let down or not, but I'm scard that its gonna happen! So just explain that your just not that way! Well, I hope I helped...

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