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Better Boyfriend

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I want to become a better boyfriend, cause for months i've been knowing that Im not a good one. My girlfriend and I fight almost everyday, she always wants these stupid little breaks. When she is mad at me, she tells me things, like im annoying, but later she says she didnt mean it, or she was just playing. One time we were fighting and she said she hated me and it's over, minutes later, she said she didnt mean it. To me, these are signs, like she doesnt want me around. I think Im a horrible boyfriend, I dont even know if the sex is good to her anymore, even though she claims it is, but sometimes females lie, so you know how that goes, faking orgasms and stuff, thats bull. I dont know what to do. We have alot of jealousy too. Im insecure, like right now, her cousin came over, and im not suppose to see her till sunday, and I called her tonight (which is friday). It feels like I cant sleep without knowing she's o.k. I really think she would cheat on me, cause I already know she lies, Well everyone does. Alot of times, I get really mad at her for things she does. I have a temper problem and alot of times we get very close to breaking up. I wanna know, what do I Do To Improve myself? I need Advice

Oh yeah When i call she didnt answer

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Although I am going through my own delima right now, I think that you should just start to take thing easier. You must learn to trust, and love her. It seems hard to do, but it just comes with time and effort. Also you must follow your heart, not your mind.

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Dude, you are really caught up in this vicious cycle with your gf. I don't mean to be blunt, but I would back off. Chill out a little. Instead of having your life revolve around her, hang out with your other friends and don't think about her all the time. If she feels like your happiness all depends on her -- that's too much of a burden. She needs to know that you know how to be happy with life all on your own. OK? Good luck.

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Firstly not everybody lies. Some people have a deep and honest relationship (...which I hope to find some day!!


Secondly, I find it really weird that "she plays being mean!" and I think improving yourself might start by giving her limits to what she can say to you. She might need to improve herself too. Improving yourself doesn't mean you need to totally change yourself to suit her but maybe you can have a talk with her about what she doesn't like and if it seems reasonable you can do something about it.


Always keep in mind that there might be someone out there that might suit you better. It can help you to put everything in perspective.


Wish you the best.

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Your girl has problems first off. Someone saying that things are over during a fight and then coming back and saying that she didn't mean I only points to problems. Having arguments and disagreements is normal, but playing the I'm breaking up with you game is not. I'm glad you're concerned about becoming a better b/f, and I'm sure that is something you need to work on. We all need to work on that. Most people don't worry about it though. Props for being concerned. The problem is that before you can work on yourself in a relationship you need to be in a stable relationship first. The instability doesn't sound to me to be your problem, your girl just needs to grow up first. Until she changes, anything you do won't make a difference, and if what you do doesn't make a difference how are you going to be able to tell when you have changed something in yourself for the better?


Realize that I, and everyone else, have just made assumptions form what you have said. We don't really know what's going on. You have to make your own decision on what to do.

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Hi there, well I can tell you right now it sounds like shes got someone else. She sounds like a real bitch, but I dont know the whole story. If she really cared about you she wouldnt mind you calling her up. Sounds like shes just sick of you - Remedy - just leave it, stop fussing over her, thats whats making her sick of you, make her want you again. And most importantly, stop chasing her. It will work..

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nifty_swifty said basically what i was going to say. the whole break up and then want to be back together 5 mins later thing is very juvenile. And if she's playing that kind of game, then she's probably doing other immature things that only ends up messing with your mind. I'd say take a break from this one and see what else is out there. Every couple fights and argues, but you don't have to put up with the games. There're girls out there who can resolve conflicts more efficiently and not put you through the unecessary grief like this one is.

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