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Ok, so I am planning on taking 14 units next semester, but I am torn on what type of schedule I should have.


Option 1) ALL DAY Tuesdays and Thursdays as in 8am-820pm with a 2 hour break in between.


Option 2) Or MW from 11-530 with a 2 hour break and then TTH from 8-11 and again from 6-820pm.


I don't want to work much, just on weekends probably and one day a week MAYBE! *I'll be counting on loans* so with op1 I can still work two nights a week if I wanted (I wait tables and the shifts start late.). With op2 I can't work at ALL during the week.


What would you guys do?

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Oh yes they are going to be long days! haha


I am in a community college and am trying to get out ASAP. So I am doing a year of long days like this so I can go to my college of choice starting Fall 2010.


BTW: I am a Biochem Major, so even one class is 5 units and like 4 and a half hours long.

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it;s going to be really tough but it depends on your own personality. when i had 3 back-to-back classes with no break (11am-6pm) i did fine and preferred it to longer days with more breaks. i always had food on me.

just don't work too much and give yourself time to study!

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Ya I have a problem making it to class, so I think if I had long breaks and a spread out schedule, I wouldn't go back to school.




Would I be crazy to add an online class (bringing me to 17 units), or should I just wait and take it over Winter session?

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Ya I have a problem making it to class, so I think if I had long breaks and a spread out schedule, I wouldn't go back to school.




Would I be crazy to add an online class (bringing me to 17 units), or should I just wait and take it over Winter session?



oh yeah, me too. If I had to wait at school for awhile just for one more class, I'd end up leaving.


17 is a lot if you're planning to work too.

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im trying to get through community college and on to the real deal quickly too.


my college right now offers half semesters. im going to be taking 3 math classes over summer semester just to catch up a little. the first math class is may 11th - june 22nd. the other two last the rest of the semester. while doing those classes im doing the regular 5 class workload.


you also mentioned an online class... have you ever tried one before? you said you have trouble making it to class sometimes. online classes are o so easy to forget about.


from the bottom of my heart... good luck with your 17 units. but from my personal experience, the more you expand the work out the more successful youll be

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I'd rather option 2. I find myself skipping classes a lot when my days are too long.


Ya, that's what I have done, but Ia m not sure if it was because my DAY was too long, or my WEEK in whole...if that makes sense.


I have always had schools for 4 days, which I think is being discouraging.

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Ya, that's what I have done, but Ia m not sure if it was because my DAY was too long, or my WEEK in whole...if that makes sense.


I have always had schools for 4 days, which I think is being discouraging.


I also can't function after any more than 3 hours of class per day. If it's spread out and I can take a nap in between, then great. I would hate to pack 14 credits into 2 days. Talk about a nightmare.

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Personally, I would go for option 1. It's found being in a classroom (and these days, being in meetings, or running experiments) a different mode of working from individual study (reading/writing), and for me it would be very nice to separate them out into different days. You also minimise the amount of lost time when transitioning from one to the other.

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