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hey everyone,

I just wanted to ask a few questions that have always made me think, in search of answers.

If you cant answer them all feel free to attempt one.


1: If something negative if happening in someones life, why is it that others around them try to portray that they are worse off instead of supporting?


2: Why are there political arguments on gay marriages but not straight i mean its only a sexual orientation and we were given free will?


Easier Questions:


3: What makes you feel positive?


4: Finally, whats your view on the world today?



thanks, i just wanted to ask because these are questions with so many answers.


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Oooooh, these are awesome questions.


Question 1

Its funny that I've just run into a situation like this where I had a so-called friend who always seemed to divert attention from anyone else's problem to themselves. I think some people just feel they HAVE to be the center of attention, regardless of what people around them might be feeling. Its classic narcisstic behavior where a person simply can't bear to take the backseat for awhile and just offer support.


Question 2

Because unfortunately politicians pay attention to special interest groups. Gay activists have special interest groups and threaten politicians with boycotts, protests, voter drives, etc. Straight people do not have such activist groups. So politicians will debate anything thats a threat to their re-election. Whether its truly the right issue to be debating is irrelevant to them.


Question 3

My kids make me feel positive. My friends also make me feel really positive. And most of all, this site makes me feel positive. I think people do a lot of good here for each other.


Question 4

The world today is lost. People's priorities are all wrong. We spend untold energy focusing on gay marriage and alleged misdeeds of celebrities, when there are people starving and dying of disease throughout the world. We pillage the world of its natural resources and give nothing in return. We all figure that nothing is our responsibility and its someone else's job to clean up the mess we leave behind.


There is still a lot of good in the world today. But there could be a WHOLE lot more if we all tried.


Just me talking



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1. Some people are just competitive and have to win even if it's in who has it the worst. Pain is relative, and you can never compare your pain to someone else's.

2. I'm not going to say what I think on the matter because I would be getting hate mail for month. Instead I'll just say what a gay friend of mine thinks on the matter, and say that in general I agree with him.


Marriage is not a basic human right like people are portraying it. It's a religious right that has some legal rights that come along with it. That being said, I believe it's the right of the religious groups, who are almost exclusively ageist gay marriage, to make that call. All that I ask is that I get the legal protections that marriage provides.


3. What makes me feel positive are my friends. I love those people more than anything else on earth.

4. There are more than 400 posts here on this sight that should give you a good idea of my view on the world. Have fun looking (though I know you probably won't).

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interesting... WEll


1. Some people just can't take time to help others, which is the exact opposite of what I can understand. Some just can't take the time to help others and support them when they have their own problems, its really quite selfish, but that's how they function.


2.I agree with avman here. the government wants to look good in some people's eyes and so they do this kinds stuff. I've always hated governments though, they lie and AHH! i'll shut now.


3. My girlfriend, Music, helping peoplelike YOU out on here. lol


4. hehe, I could write for hours. It sux. the environment is going to hell and noone cares because why? the governments don't tell us that its really THAT BIG OF A PROBLEM. we've been told so many lies by the people we elect to do so, that we've forgotten who we are. AND THE SELFISHNESS. If even HALF of the rock stars and celebrities but their money towards charities like Greenpeace instead of buying that million dollar dress ( and no exagerations here ) then there wouldn't be half of the poverty and stuff that goes on. INstead though, the people that make 30 000 a year are helping the charities out. WAHt's wrong with that!? I think there is so much good in the world, its unbelievab;e, but its been hidden under the lies. And someone has to dig them out...



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1: If something negative if happening in someones life, why is it that others around them try to portray that they are worse off instead of supporting?


To let you know that you are not alone, that bad stuff happens, and that they understand. Its about trying to connect through similair circumstances.


2: Why are there political arguments on gay marriages but not straight i mean its only a sexual orientation and we were given free will?


Because of our Judeo/Christian roots. The bible says that it is a sin, and as much as America may have separate church and state the truth of it is that our laws and government were set up based on Christian morality.


Easier Questions:


3: What makes you feel positive?

Loose pants, no lights on the way to work, money in the bank, being with my girlfriends, working out, accomplishing something.


4: Finally, whats your view on the world today?

I don't know how to answer this. My view is too limited to see that big a picture.

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Ok here i go,


1. Perhaps to show the other person that they are not alone? I don't know, i try and put myself in that situation and can't see myself acting worse off. Or like the others said, they want to be the centre of attention and sympathies.


2. Perhaps because it will then lead on from there, where there will be demands for having children and what not. It would be promoting gay relationships even more for the future generations, and that can have a 'negative' impact on the world in the future you know?


3. Music music and more music. Music that makes statements and that i can relate to. Friends as well, and of course football (aka soccer), and hours of it.


4. The world? Politically I can go on for this for hours. We are all living in a world that we consider democratic and free. But all around the western world we are almost in an American government matrix created by the media and the government- everything is biased and has American influence. Those that want to stay away from such a society like France and Germany, and the minority countries in the east are isolated in the western world and pictured as 'different', and the western world abuse their power and go into invade (or 'liberate') so that they can be 'under control' of the matrix. After all, any government purpose is always to gain more power right, and Americanisation is on course for the world (*evil laughter ha ha ha ha*)


The world in our society isn't bad, but could be better like Avman said. Theres also too much competition which is eventual pain and not enough love.

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Hey Avman, thanks for starting us off!

I agree with the answer to the first questions and its pretty convenient for you to have xperiancd it not long back. But I guess, to me its not exactly something positive to have. Its like a competition on having the worst scenario you knows? And I agree with saying that no ones life experiences are the same, so how can others compare and even attempt to win?

I'm glad your children make you happy, I believe one day I will have children but I would like to secure a career first and then move on, but I'm betting it's the best thing that some can ever create and have joy to be with for the rest of their lives. Having children is something special to me, so thank you for bringing up that answer.




Hey nifty_swifty1

*Claps at the first answer he makes! * (I may have given avman credit for that comment, but anyway I like what you have to say. And the questions above I guess were rhetorical to you)

Thanks for at least attempting the question I presented as number two, and I understand the whole part of not wanting to get into arguments etc, I was actually expected the post to be either edited or taken off to be honest. But thanks for submitting something.


I might just have to take a look at some of your posts and analyze a few just so that you won't assume things!! *Smiles *





I can understand what you're saying on #1. How do you feel about the friends that are around you, but when you need support and advice they aren't there? Does that just fall into a frustrating scenario or would you say they aren't true friends? (Just your opinion, I wont argue…promise)

Oh and thanks for helping me out! *smiles*


Wow everyone has political views, which I must say are pretty relevant and to the point, I guess its because I think there should be gay marriages but I have my reasons.





Regarding your first answer, could you elaborate on that, because I cant see the angle, maybe its because I didn't define exactly what I meant, I just don't understand. I get the whole, your not alone, but the fact that it would help, because sometimes people just need to have that little bit more instead of others being self consumed, you know?

Thank you for your religious response to the second question. I can understand that if it was part of their religion, but what if the person isn't religious and isn't sinning is it ok then?




I've got your back on answer to question one, I just couldn't see it.

This is going to be a real pain, but can you try and elaborate on question 2 so I can understand you a little more, please. That would help a whole lot.

Indeed, id go for music as well.


Anyway thanks for all the responses, guys and gals


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No problem, we talked about it in a sociology class once. Appernatley the idea is that allowing this would then open up new doors and further demands. One of those doors is a huge increase in gays adopting children, and the complaint is that they would be nurtured into having homosexual tendencies. The threat then would be that the number of homosexuals would rise significantly in the next few generations to come and that it would really threaten standard and traditional hetrosexuality and the nuclear family. Thats not neccesarily my view or prediction like number 1, but its just my stab at it because i am kind of on the same page as that view.


If i were to put my view without offending anyone, it would be that we should respect gays because after all they are human, but we should not promote homosexuality in anyway because its simply wasn't meant to be that way.

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1. May be they don't mean to, they are just haunted by the past and cannot escape it. Also maybe they want you to know that they know how to help you deal with your problems, you can learn from others past experiences.

2. Because people are stupid idiots.

3.Singing making people happy and trying to forget things

4. I think that tony blaire is a single minded idiot who is trying to dictate the world, but thats my personal view and I agree he has done some good.

cya (sorry)

Sphinx xxxxxxxxx

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So did you end up looking at my posts? I you really want to get a good look at who I am check out link removed In one way or another that covers about everything that is important to me.


That may give you a better idea of why I didn't go very far into my thoughts on gay marriage. I'm a Christian, and the way the country is heading now reminds me way too much of Sodom and Gomorra.

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vfunkera thanks for extending your post, i got the majority of what you put but its deffinitley more out lined with what you have put now, i can understand what you are saying and what youve seen being exposed through your studies, in some ways i brought this up because of what id studied and my own beliefs, etc. but i can see what your saying and a lot is based on assumptions, so yes the theory is there but its yet to be theorem, you know? maybe that wont happen, but have they got legal conditions etc saying that gay couples in the near future may not be able to adopt? because i dont think thats going to be brought up, only to limit a person from having a child would be taking things a little too far.


the choice in sexuality should remain and be chosen by the child also, but i can see how the child MAY gaiun characteristics.


i like your final input. so thankyou.


sphinx999 thanks for stating your answer to questions one, it helped quite a lot actually, and i can see your perspective like others. i guess some times a person may avoid talking to someone incase of being compared to anothers experiances, i mean we do all deal with things differntly.

unique post you have there, and some great points *winks*


nifty_swifty1 previously i have looked at the way you respond and what you say to others, to be entirely honest, at this very moment i havent brought up your profile, but i deffinitley will take a look at the link you have added, i appreciate you doing that for me.

i can understand and pre judge whats going to be put in the post due to i guess your religion, which you blaintantly pointed out. thankyou. so would you mind if MAYBE i responded to this post? or is it not relevant anymore?


thanks everyone.


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i took a look over the post, it kind of baffled me to be honest, you know with some of the poiunts you were making, but you made them so clear, you explained about love, and i thought to myself well how can you love only in one way and you described how love fit into three boundries i guess, or three sections. you answered the questions i looked for (if that makes sense) so its pretty good so far.



i was wondering at this point, if a person can ever be decieved? do you believe so? what if someone uses you, makes you feel love, yet they take it away, your heart still longs for the, you dont hate them, you arent angry, so havent sinned, you just have the loss of someone using you, and you sit there and remain to love. how does that work, how is that fair? i dont understand.


could you have the will to not hate the man who killed your child? killed your wife? killed a person that you made a bond or contract with god, i mean he watched it, hes all seeing, he watched over it happen, he saw every ounce of pain you would feel, he watched you grieve, he watched you scream he watched everything, every second to ensure one thing...you didnt HATE!

how can you? you cant hate the man who killed your parents, please explain how you get through this? its not just god, how can you do it with out blaming? please tell me, you must be a better person that me.


you say that god wants the best crop, you should give the best for a person you love, what happens when you cant give your all, maybe one day you become self consumed, one day you feel so little, you feel so down, you arent giving your crop how does that work? does it mean that in return another should take place of the crop, keep it alivem not to fail?


you repeat that god is love and you can never have a true understanding but learn, and that you can not have loved if you have moved on or no longer remain feeling or choice to that one thing. so has god never wronged? he almost destroyed the entire world, but he never wronged, he saved people and kept evolution, but still in some sense why hasnt he wronged?


he watched death, mutilation, rape, murder, distress, the list is endless, and despite all the good in someones life, put any one of the negative from the list and you never see that good any more, how does that work? how can he, hes all powerful, all knowing and all seeing so why why why?




sorry i have this thing with analysing what people say, just to understand, i hope you dont think i have judged, its just a matter of understanding completely.


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It's nice to see that someone is trying to get something out of my writing. Most people just dismiss what I say.


Your first question is kind of hard to explain because it isn't fair. I know it makes it seem even harder for most people because they still equate love feelings, and as I said love can't be a feeling because love never fails and God never changes (love and God being the same thing since God is love… I hope I'm not jumping around too much), and feelings are continually changing and failing. I wish I could explain it better, but at the moment I'm still trying to find that out (I'm having to live it at the moment and it isn't easy).


Your second question is a nother point that I'm working on. I have yet to be able to grasp that part myself. I closest I can get is to look in the old testament and see some of the extreme punishments under the law. I wish I had the time to work that point out, but I don't have the hours that it would take to explain… I'm going to say it any way, just realize that this isn't quite as bad as it sounds… If a child was disrespectful of his parents, it was the fathers responsibility to take that child to the elders and they would take him outside the city and stone him (that being the part that I don't have the time needed to explain). There was still love, but even in the most extreme punishment. Now that rationalization doesn't quite line up with what I actually believe love to be, but at thement that is the best I can do to rationalize the concept.


Well… not that I've made myself sound like a nut job I'll try your next question. God asks for the first of the first fruits, but only requires 10%. You might not always be able to give your all, but you still have to give your best.


… that's a little deeper question than I was expecting, but I'll do my best to explain. The simple answer is that "the wedges of sin is death." The only payment for any sin, even if it be the smallest of lie, is death. Hence the need for a sinless sacrifice to take our sins (Jesus Christ). When and why he has chosen to take payment I don't know. In the case of the flood I believe that it was to prevent the entire world from turning from him. cinciquences are not wronging someone. When a judge sentanses someone to death, he is not wronging them, he is only requiring payment for a crime.


You keep up with the hard questions, but I guess it's only fair.

I'm having a hard time answering this with out saying something I know you won't understand (I guess I've spent too little time answering this question for people that haven't spent there lives around it). I'll do my best though. The only thing exceptable to God is perfection, which we obviously can't be. A price has to be paid for those imperfections, and like I said before that is death (not only now, but an eternal death of your soul). Lucky for us that price has already been paid. Jesus was completely blameless, but suffered a horrible death in our place. He took our place so that we could take his. He paid the price because we can't. All we have to do is to clame that payment.

I'll try and put it in a little more tangible terms. You can have millions of dollars, but if you owe trillions of dollars you are in debt. Once that debt is paid, then you are no longer in debt. You can't pay those trillions of dollars with your measly millions. No one can. I hope you see my point. Sin is that multi trillion dollar debt and God is the only one that can pay that. I hope I didn't go too far in saying what I believe, but it sounded like you were asking me.


God Bless

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i do appreciate what you have to say and dont just pass a post, so if you want me to read anything else, im more than welcoming to the idea, i have this thing where i ask so many questions, hard or easy, one to understand and two to ensure that a person also feels strongly for what they are saying or possibly preaching, i supose having an answer or therom could be more influencing you know?


sorry about my questions being hard and i wasnt actually expecting a direct answer, it wasnt i guess just aimed or possibly rivaled (cant think of how to phrase it) at you but i guess the aspect of the faith and reason behind it.


i believe i understoud a little more than what you expected me to, and yes i was asking you to tell me what you thought and how you felt or believed so you hit the nail pretty accurate with the responce.


i believe that you are correct in what your saying in the last paragraph but i was more confused actually when the example was put in to make it easier, i mean a debt always has to be paid in real life or your hunted down and judged for it, i mean when you die, you have a debt, the family still has to pay, its not a matter of it ending there, so how is this relevant with jesus? wouldnt this mean that us and his debt was never truly paid, only its that or mayeb the example was a little off par?



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You read a little too much into the analogy. I was only trying to say that the payment WAS his death. The life of the sinless to pay for our sins.


I actually enjoy you asking the hard questions. It makes me really think about what it is that I believe and makes me break it down into more basic peaces so to speak.

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thanks i think, and yeah im like you, it makes me realise that i do believe what it is that im stating, if i cant answer all questions then i have yet to gain the true answers or reasons and thereforeeee look at different offers or routes to this question (if that makes sense)


id like to look at some of your other work, but its preferred if you actually assign me a peace to look at then i know if i analyse you know what im talking about.

if you dont mind id like to continue questioning, i think it would help the both of us out?



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I think that is about the most in-depth I have written on most any subject here. I'll see if I can find something you would be able to tear into. At the moment I'm doing a little study on convergent churches, but I'm not sure if you would like reading about that. I also haven't quite finished my studies, so I haven't really written anything because I really know very little about it at the moment. I can give you a like to something my pastor wrote (He's a really smart guy as far as I'm concerned). link removed I'll still look for something of mine for you to read though and get back to you when I find something.


God bless

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thanks, and i wouldnt worry about what it is you pass on for me to read as long as it is an opinion that you believe in so that i can understand and ask questions your capable of answering, ill take a look at the link and tell you how i feel about it.


i wouldnt judge what you put in front of me just respond with questions.

and thanks for putting your time in to doing this, if you wish not to, its perfectly acceptable.


i was wondering, do you believe a child should be placed within a religion from birth or given the option?


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For that question, I can only tell you what I will do with my children. I guess that's getting a little ahead of my self though, need a girl first.


The bible says to raise your children in the ways of God and they will not depart from it. I will diffidently teach my children what I believe. As long as they are a part of my household they will be exposed to it, but the decision will be there's as far as what they believe. You can never control what someone else believes, but I'm not a person that believes that god is whatever you choose it to be. There is only one truth and I will do what I can to show that truth to my children and let them experience it for themselves.


God Bless

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thats a really thoughtful opinion you have, i can understand sharing your own beliefs but i love the way you say its optional to them later on to actually pass on or hold onto this advice you have applied.


i guess if i was to answer that questions, well for one im not religious at the moment so i couldnt share but only my thoughts nothing providing evidence of from books, welkl holy books, but i would still allow my child to have optional choices to any religion they want to believe in.


ill be waiting for something to look at, take care.



p.s. how would you feel if your child opted for a completely different faith?

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i think that i may be a question 1. im always doing it but thats because ive had to fight for attention all my life- growing up with 2 brothers and me being the only girl plus having parents which i dont really think gave a crap about me so i just find it hard to switch it off i suppose.

Catie xxx

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I really don't know how I would handle that… I guess I've never really thought about it. To me it is just so evident. There were more than 300 prophesies of the coming messiah, and all of them were fulfilled in Christ. There were a group of atheist statisticians a number of years ago that wanted to see what the likely hood someone would fulfill some of the prophesies so they took only 8 of them and found that the probability of one person for filling those 8 was 1 in 1000000000000000000. That still leaves around 300 that will make that number much bigger. The evidences aren't just in the book, they are all over the place. Even in fossil records. Evolution says that the trilapod was extinct millions of years before man, yet the creator of the creation evidence museum has a fossil of a human sandal print with two of these creatures crushed in the heal and toe. I guess that really doesn't prove the existence of God, but it does give a good start in disproving evolution, not only that, but evolutions says that it chouses creatures to become more complex, yet through our observations of selective breading has only made animals less complex. Never, in the history of biology has anyone observed something becoming more complex. Never once in the fossil record has anyone ever found a link from one species to another.


… I guess I got a little off the topic. You were asking what I would do if my children were to choose not to believe what I believe… That isn't a choice I can make for them. If that happens that is just something I will have to deal with as it comes. I have no experience to base anything on. All I can say I would do at this moment is to live the love that started this whole conversation the same as I do with my friends that I have now.


God bless

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thats seems like a positive answers and its ok about the whole going off par, your right though, it doesnt prove that there is a god but does unfold evolution and past and thats something were going to have to do and fulfill many answers before any true answers can come from it.


i understand that you havent experanced it yet and can only give the answer you did, because i imagine that i could plan several things and they never turn out that way, emotions change and attitudes towards it.


so in your own opinion away from all others views, why and how do you know god exists? i believe that there is a maker because of different theory's but what if there is a maker of this maker? what if there is a god for the god you believe in?



p.s. sorry im just curious

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I know there is a God because my own personal experiences. More though because of faith, which isn't something you can rightly describe, a goes beyond reason. God is the beginning and the end. To tell you the truth I had a hard time with that myself, because I couldn't figure out how God could have been alone for eternity before creating anything, until I looked at some of Einstein's temporal theories and realized that God doesn't exist within the constraints of the 4th dimension just like we don't exist within the constraints of the 3rd dimension (we aren't truly 3 dimensional characters because we exist through a span of time). I guess I can't rightly answer your question other than to say that God said he was the beginning and the end and because of things I have been through and seen in my life I believe that beyond any doubt.

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