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Waiting at the Bus Stop

By D. H. Voss


Waiting at the bus stop,

Creamy or Crunchy? Coke or Pepsi?

I laugh inside, she's so cute

But knowing soon she will be leaving

My heart hurts


Do I dare say the words I am thinking?

Now is not the time or place

Deep words in public places never sink in

I must wait


Flashback to the coffee shop,

"Your eyes look so blue with that shirt"

I then joke back with her

What a mistake, I regret,

I never want to think I hurt her feelings, ever, ever, again

My heart hurts


Does she know why I did not want to go out on Thursday?

Does she really know?

I won't see her for 10 days.

One night alone with her before I go is worth 10,000 nights in a group


Do I dare say the words I am thinking?

Now is not the time or place

Deep words in public places never sink in

I must wait


Flashback to the apartment

Listening to the music she loves

Does she know how much I'm enjoying this moment?

Learning about what makes Joy who she is?

I'll sit here all night Joy, watching you smile


I wait and watch her board the bus

She probably thinks I'm just joking around when I wave

But I'm just making sure she gets on safely

I care for her so deeply


Did I dare say the words I was thinking?


It wasn't the time or place

Deep words in public places never sink in


Sometimes it feels better to write the words you want to say:



Give me the $1.50 train ride next to you,

Give me time in your apartment listening to your music and seeing how happy it makes you,

Give me the time in the cold next to you while we are waiting at the bus stop,

My time with you has nothing to do with what we are doing,

If you are there, that's enough,


Waiting at the Bus Stop,

With the Girl That I Love

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