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Someone new, how to show her im intrested?

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Hi everyone,


There's this girl that I've been after in college for ages and i asked her out and got rejected, went through the normal depressed stage and im slowly getting back to normal.


There's another girl now that i have liked as well who's in the same college but doing a different course to mine her name is "Ro" (short for Rosanna). I often see her around (in the mornings) but i don't really speak to her, she is very attractive and i don't think none of the other guys at the college are interested (i think) in our college each course has it's own part or territory (if you like… long story) and we don't get along with other courses but our course get along with hers so it's good. I have spoken with her a few times and i think she was a little interested in me but it's trying to find a way or excuse to get close to her and then making any sort of conversation (what do you talk about?). When it comes to talking to girls im not the best, i am myself but sometimes i feel like an idiot i suppose i lack confidence in myself and my capabilities (which is all the time ). She was ahead of me in the lunch-line today and i couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Also there's the other girl that i was after, she's still trying to make me jealous and she's still poking around for some sort of re-action to her taunting me. But she's not going to get one now, she missed her chance and now i like someone else even though i still have some sort of feelings for her i still want to be friends with her. But anyway im really stuck on ways to get closer to this girl and thinking of something to talk about, with me being shy as well doesn't help and i suppose she is a little too (cant really say that, because i don't know for sure). Can someone offer any advice or suggestions besides being yourself when you talk with her, which I already know that. Or how can I show her that im interested in her, without doing something stupid like staring at her (waiting for her to get the hint). Im after the best way around this so any help please.


Any advice would be appreciated.


Thanks ,


- whitefang

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You want to let her know that you're interested? Simple answer, but it's a little scary. Ask her out somewhere, Coffee, lunch, bowling, anything. Just do something casual.


Since you don't want us to tell you to be your self, I wont. Instead, I'll tell you that you should show up in a zoot soot and pretend to be a swing band leader… If you couldn't tell that was somewhat of a joke, but as long as she knows it a joke there is no harm in that, It would be funny.

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I am myself when im around girls, i prefer being myself than letting them find out later that it was all a show, that's just not me. It's just that i needs some ideas on how to show her that im intrested in her. I'm not that confident to go up and ask her if she fancies having a cup a coffee sometime. She's quite popular in her own group, you know how they have that sort of system with girls in college and high schools where their in some sort of rank. I mean im a likeable guy and i get along with most people again because that's just me. But i have noticed ever since i started college that i do attract quite a bit of female attention but they only see me as a friend and im begging to think that hanging out with all these girls is starting to have some effect on me. My course has 10 students (not much, i know) and there are only 3 guys and in the college there has to be about 60% of the students are girls. So you'd think being around so many would make it alot easier but it hasn't for some reason. I suppose since i've been rejected that im looking for someone to replace the gap again that needs to be filled to make my life complete. But i've liked this girl for quite a few months way before the new year. I just wish that i could improve my confidence when talking with girls, because i really like her and i'd love to get to know her more. She's the normal attractive type, which im sure that my parents would approve, it's getting past my mum that's the problem . Well anyway i just want some advice on how to show im intrested, any tips or tricks and conversation starters if anyone has any i'd love to hear.


Thanks guys ,


- whitefang

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