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what body language do girls use?

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does she look at you a lot & make eye contact with you? thats a good way to tell. i figured out that this guy liked me by the way he made eye contact with me.. i was with him & 2 other friends & he would always make eye contact with me & when i would notice, he would smile. he made it pretty obvious. so, doing that might help. ask her to hang out with you. talk to her a lot. show her that you are interested in getting to know her.

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Girls will generally touch the people they're interested in a lot-a touch on the arm, leg, etc., or bumping into you in a friendly way, etc. The eye contact/smile combo is a good one as well. If they initiate contact, another sign. (And this goes for guys showing interest too, by the way.)


Just don't play games, and be yourself. Yes, I know our readers HATE that saying, but honestly, it's what any mature person looks for. They want to know that the person they're flirting with is the genuine article, not some made-up person they feel they have to be to impress!



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Ahhhh Body Language!! My specialties!!!


Girls have TOO MANY signals to list, but there are a few basics you should know and notice.


Melewen's point on eye contact and watching each other is very very good. If you find that she is watching you or keeping an eye on you then there is something there. Whether it is consistent or just a quick 'needless' glance, you have to try and notice it.

-If you don't know the girl, notice the probable hostility when you walk past or approach each other. The two of you will definetly look at each other, but will probably look away quick. This is in some ways a good thing, because this indicates that you aren't just a passer-by in her eyes.

-If you do know each other quite well, however, then she will be looking into your eyes as much as she can.


Another great great indicator is are the legs. Whether crossed while sitting down or standing up, if they are pointing at you then you are on her mind heavily.


The same could be said if they leaning towards you. It doesn't neccessarily have to be the legs. Also, notice her hands. The popular one is when they are playing with their hair. See if they are stroking their wrists, jewelery, or they touch their chin. Another big give off is if they expose the palm of their hand.


In all honesty guys you will know if she is interested or not. Trust me. Body Language is something that happens all the time- we read body language without even thinking. You would probably be doing it right now, and the person next to you would be unawaringly reading and reacting. People want to know the flirtation signs because they want to confirm they're suspicions, and if you've got suspicions then some flirting has already been revealed or taken place because you've unknowingly read them! Whether it was while you was in a conversation with them or whether there was eye contact, if you had a gut feeling that something was hinted, then its probably correct.


To confirm it, you simply need to get back in there again, and instead of concentrating on what you are saying or how you are behaving in an effort to make an impression, you simply need to concentrate on her movements. Its all about catching them out! They maybe quite heavy signals, or just one or two at randomn points, but if and when you do catch them, theres your suspicions answered!


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok check this out.

There's this girl at school that I've been keeping an eye out for a couple months (since December or January). I really didn't notice her at first until I caught her looking at me a couple times. I don't think she was checkin me out just some eye contact I guess you can say.

Well lately, sometimes ill be eating in the cafeteria and I'll be noticing she'll look at me for a couple seconds and then turn her head or her eyes will go somewhere else after I catch her looking at me. At times when im sitting in the computer room, she'll sometimes sit a couple computers away from me, say like 2 or 3 computers to my left, and I try to catch her looking with the corner of my eye and I have a couple times.

It's really weird because, I talk to a lot of people and she talks to a lot of people, but like when where both close to each other, its like we freeze. Its kinda of an awkward moment.

So now whenever we look at each other, we just stare for like 4 or 5 secs then she stops looking or I stop looking, and sometimes she'll catch me looking or I'll catch her looking. Its just really weird. Someone mention about "needless glances" and ive also notice that.

I know of her but I don't know her personally, but what somebody said on a previous reply, that if you don't know the person and say you walk by each other its just a quick stare but it kinda means something. (your not just a passer)

So, by all means, most of you probably think that she has a crush on me. I kinda think so also myself, I just need to confirm it.

I think it would be kinda weird to just start talking to her after all these weird incidents that's happened in the past few months. It would probably be awkward for both of us since we both might have the same feelings for each other.

I need to think of something that will break the ice and I can start talking to her or maybe she can start talking to me.

Sorry this was so long, but I tried to explain specifically on all the details.

Please reply back and let me know what you guys think.

Thanks in advanced.

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You need to start flirting with those eyes. Next time as shy as you are, don't look away. Remember everything is hard at the first hurdle, so get this eye contact over and done with on the first go. Make sure she catches you looking at her and hold it there, for a few seconds. Do not turn away like you usually do, otherwise she is presuming your not interested, and thats an impression you don't want to give.


Don't turn it into a stare, but hold it for a few seconds, and if you are still looking at each other, smile, a huge big grin that is inviting her. If she turns away before you smile, watch how she has reacted on what the naughty two of you have just done. If she blushes, or doesn't look like she is uncomfertable with the eye language you just had, then theres a good chance. Watch if she raises her eyebrows, or can't help but smile. Also watch then with what she fidgets with or how her body reacts. Does she stiffen up or push her muscles to look more attractive? Does she start playing with her hair? If she does any of those, then its time to flirt! Start glancing over at each other every now and then, sometimes keep it short, next time hold it etc.


If she turns away looking a bit annoyed or irratated, then theres your unlucky answer, and you need to stop.


Either way, its an invitation and you will put your self heavily on her mind, from their on. If shes happy with whats suddenly happening then she will show it. If shes not then it will show also. What ever you do watch her body as well. If her feet are pointing at you or she is opening up in your direction or leaning towards you in anyway, then you are on her mind and its not just a coincidence. We try to get as close to people we like in anyway, so watch how she tries to get close to you, or in your direction.


If the reactions are there, then anyway of breaking the ice is okay as long as you break it!!!! Your just wasting your time by holding back.


Good luck

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Thank you. The above 2 have been usefull. I knew this stuff before and have used it before a few times, but i guess i just need it reinforced into my mind. Last time i tried the eye thing, i got a brilliant result, but i was darn shy or stupid - probably both, i never asked this girl, and a few months later, someone else asked her out... but i so know i was so in there, and i have regretted it big time! I keep telling myself i wont make the same mistakes again.. but it seems like i am I will try, I must try. Thank you everyone.

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Yea Santa i know how you feel.

Its like you fear of getting rejected, but ive talked to friends about it and they said, who cares if you get rejected, you only learn from it and move on to the next girl.

I've had so many Opportunity when i was younger, they was sending the right signals and all that good stuff, but i was to scared and feared of being rejected that i never took the chance.

I regret every minute of it, wish i can go back in time in a way but also not because everybody learns from their past mistakes.

To be honest with this girl that i was talking about on my last post, ive noticed that a bunch of guys hit on her. I dunno if she actually likes these guys, but i figured that its prob to late and say f*ck it.

She still looks at me though and we just have that 4-5 second eye contact stare, i dunno anymore if i should talk to her, just get weird vibes i guess.

Well im gonna stop rambling on, but i hope everybody learns a lesson from this and to take advantages if u get that feeling.

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however! if you catch her looking at you when you're looking away.. that's a pretty sure sign.


to show her that you like her.. hold eye contact. when someone new enters a conversation you two are having, take a moment to draw your eyes from hers.. the syrup effect, i think it's called?


The points I have highlighed on the Quote I can agree with. (Not that I disagree with anything else you said!)


The woman I am interested in makes regular eye contact, and I have twice cought her making quick glances my way, as per quote you find that she is watching you or keeping an eye on you then there is something there. Whether it is consistent or just a quick 'needless' glance, you have to try and notice it.


On these occasions, she turned away, but once or twice I have cought her looking, and it has built up to long(ish) eye contact!


This is why I think she is interested in me too. Also, she once asked me to help her to move a box of bricks with her, which I agreed to, of course.


See if they are stroking their wrists, jewelery, or they touch their chin. Another big give off is if they expose the palm of their hand.


...Last time I bumped into this woman, she unbuckled her belt around her trousers and did it up again. Also, similarly to what vfunkera posted, she always seems to wear low cut tops, and makes an excuse to bend down to "show them off" to me.


Perhaps I should have put this into a new thread, but now I have said it, what do you guys think?

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Last time I bumped into this woman, she unbuckled her belt around her trousers and did it up again. Also, similarly to what vfunkera posted, she always seems to wear low cut tops, and makes an excuse to bend down to "show them off" to me.


Theres another signal. Women love to chase someone, the element of challenge is important to them. It allows them to use their sexual powers to lure us in, and the more you ignore it or don't seem phased, the more anxious she'll get and harder she will try. When you eventually submit, they will fell that they have earned you because they had to fighht for your attention, and that will lead on to a more stronger sense of value on your part in her eyes. If you don't submit, then if they have the confidence, they will, and probably think they are in love (when really its just their insecurties).


In terms of body language, they will always try and impress and seduce the person, especially more of an effort if they like him. A great way to think of this is if you imagine walking down the beach, and you see a hot chick walking past. You would probably tense all your muscles and stick the belly in right? Even if she wasn't so hot, i'd still fix up and look sharp. Its exactly the same with the opposite sex. If she has the book and has the self esteem, she will try and put a spell on you, so watch out for those moves when you are around.


Today me and my friend were talking to a very very very attractive female friend. We began talking about another attractive girl, and how hot she was. A couple of mintues later, the girl next to us 'accidently' dropped her pen, and bent over for like 5 seconds to get it. Unfortunalty, it simply mesmerised us , so we couldnt help but fall into her trap, and she simply did it to win our attention back- even though there probably wasn't much interest on her part.


You are not the only person who takes note of the eye contact that takes place. They are human and it grows on their mind just as much, so the bigger the impression you make, the more they will notice. And like i said, if you feel there is interest in the way you two are interracting, then he/she probably feels it too, and someone should to take the first step.


Good luck

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That last thread is spot on, I thought i was the only woman that liked the thrill of the chase!! i love being chased , dont get me wrong but its a great feeling to chase someone too!!


I thought it was only men that loved the thrill of the chase!!

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  • 3 months later...

ok dude theres a girl that i went to school with that would always stare at me, but then she moved on to some other school. I see her like all the time in random places, and whenever she sees me, shell just like stare, and do some thing with her lips thats kinda hard to explain.


Ive talked to her only once before when i met up with some friends and she was with them. The whole time she seemed to be talking to me, about anything and everything. Im not all that interested in her because mainly she has bad drug habits, and i kinda already have my mind set on somebody else.


Im pretty sure that she is attracted to me, judging by her body movements, but just yesturday i saw her sitting on another guys lap (who i guess is her boyfriend), and i went by in my car,there she was staring straight at me . What does it mean???

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