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how do i know?

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My boyfriend was fingering me the other night & I think I was close to having an orgasm, but how do I really know if I was? How do you know if you are close to orgasming? Also, whats the best way to give hand jobs? I want to give my boyfriend a good one.

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Well, since I'm a girl, I couldn't really tell you. From what I hear though, you'll definitely know when you have an orgasm, there will be no question about it.


As for hand jobs, they're fairly simple. Just stroke your boyfriend's "shaft" and go up and down up and down, and be careful not to put too much friction on his "head". Asking him what he likes would be your best chance at giving him a great hand job and he won't think anything of it. I don't when girls ask me.

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I would think a way of describing the physical sensations of an orgasm might be things like:


- you might feel tinglings in your genitals (blood pooling there)

- all your senses (nerve endings) very sensitive and "turned on"

- heart going faster

- you have a feeling of euphoria, even dizziness (blood flowing away from the brain)

- for ladies you would be quite wet/moist downstairs as well,

- you might feel like you have to bear down and push some,

- your muscles all over your body but especially your genitals would

tense a few times (or many times) uncontrollably (this is the orgasm peak part)

- you might even hold your breath during that time. (about 10-20 seconds? )

- then you would feel a wave of relaxation all over, letting down, perhaps a little dizziness, muscles relax, tiredness, feeling especially close to your partner, feeling the after glow of the connection.


Someone correct me if I describe it wrong from your experience.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Well Derek, if the girls agree with the all encompassing description of their climax that you have given then I must say that we have more in common than I had thought. I've had almost all of those symptons & feelings at times. That's why sex is sooo good.

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Wow Derek!!! Your in-depth knowledge of the female orgasm is impressive. I would agree with all of those.


But, for me, the first hint that I am reaching orgasm, is I have what I can only describe as waves, cascading from my toes throughout my body.


I think someone has already said, that's why sex is sooooo great!!


G xx

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Wow Derek!!! Your in-depth knowledge of the female orgasm is impressive. I would agree with all of those.


But, for me, the first hint that I am reaching orgasm, is I have what I can only describe as waves, cascading from my toes throughout my body.


I think someone has already said, that's why sex is sooooo great!!


G xx

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ask him to give you a lesson. If he is like me he would be delighted. His hand will encircle yours as you hold his p+!ck & show you how much pressure you should give then he will move your hand up & down to show you the length of the stroke & finally he will give you an idea of the speed of the motion for his enjoyment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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