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Consciously going against INSTINCTS.


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So my mind is 23 and i know theres alot of growth, and learning, and development that needs to take place. So I can except that my hunches and instincts may be wrong Or trying to protect myself.


So my logical insticts have been telling me to bail on this girl, to cut it off. I keep seeing negative in the future, and seems she is a bit of a loose cannon, and can see her being disrespectful.


BUT instead of cutting it off, like i almost did the other day (or maybe this is coming out of fear of ending it???? not couragiously going against my instinct lol??) ....I am sticking it out, and just gonna let it simmer,and chill, and see what happens. I have sense pulled out much emotionally to a more appropriate level, and am now protecting my self.


I had already felt myself getting hurt early on, and it was cause i was sharing myself, and she didnt really seem to care, she is just friendly towards me, but not in love obviously, and i was treated it like love, which was too fast, and not honest. I got way ahead of myself and her in the relationship.


??????SO WHAT DO YOU THINK? IS THIS A WORTHY EXPERIMENT GOING AGAINST MY IMPULSES? ?????????? i'd been thinking about this move but the real inspiration came after hearing someone talk about confronting FEAR. SAYIING those things in life that scare you or your timid about you can really truly learn from them, and you shoudld pursue things you fear. SO I AM KIND OF TRYING TO PURSUE THIS RELATIONSHIP AND GIRL THAT MY MIND IS SAYING COULD BE BAD NEWS!!


Part 2 of this is discussing some sketchyness on her part. HOW WOULD YOU ADDRESSS THIS OR HANDLE THIS??? IS IT A BAD SIGN......


she tells me we cant hangout till sunday early on in the week, tells me she is workin on saturaday......then later on that week after plans for sunday have been made i ask her again, what are u doing saturaday and she says, she just has class ( didnt mention work or anything). SO im like, well i cant do anything sunday do to me having to take my brother to the airport( i really do). And i ask her how bout Saturday( she doesnt remember telling me she orignally had to work) and she timid to say"...um....ok". Its like shes doesnt want to but doesnt have an excuse not to.


So why did she lie and tell me originally she could not hangout till sunday cause of work. Then i ask her again later in week, says she just has class at her college saturday, I call her bluff lol( srry rude wording), and call off sunday and saturday is my only day, and now saturday is cool with her.




NOw she is all excited about coming over to my apartment saturday, she is acting alot different. is this sketchy.......Or am i being a NUT!

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It sounds like she is being much more casual about the relationship than you are. Based on what you said about what she said and her actions, she might possibly have been making other plans (could be anything from a Dr. appointment to seeing somebody else) Don't jump to conclusions, but ask her face to face why she wasn't honest with you. Watch her body language, and listen to her reply. If she makes up more excuses, tell her things just aren't going how you'd like them to and you two can be friends. That's kinda universal for we're not going to hang out anymore.


Sounds like you are a good judge of character, and some people may say you are thinking too much but you can never know enough in this world. So.. think on my friend, don't ever stop questioning what you strongly feel is working against you. It's your life, the only way to enjoy it is to be happy with what's going on in it.


You described her as a loose cannon, you may have meant to say either crazy, or unreliable but either way she just doesn't sound as mature as you and I'd get out of this relationship before you end up even more disappointed by her immature, and unreliable nature.

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