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Call, or text her for her birthday?

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OK, i'm having problems to decide. It's my best female friend's birthday soon.. me and her are very close, she's one of the most important people to me. (she's my ex too... just a little info).


anyway, as i said, it's her bday soon.


i wanna be one of the first to wish her a happy birthday, if i can't be with her (because of school or something) i want to either text her at 12.00am, or call her. problem is, if it's school the next day, might it be a bit late? or could you make an exception for this one special day...i think a call would be way more... dunno how to explain.. lol..way more - better...


any advice? thanks

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Well I would call her if she is one of the most important people in your life at the moment then there is no reason to not call her, unless you guys recently broke up and she demanded the no contact rule or something of that sort.


As for when you should call.. I don't think it really matters. If you don't get a hold of her at the time that you call, then you can always call back later or even leave a message. I wouldn't go for the text message thing if I were you, since this person is so important to you. Calling is much more personal.


Hope I helped.

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