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I been with my x girl friend since 1999 I'm 29 year old guy and she is about 28. We live together for two years and when threw some hard times finically. I got her threw college and she help me out in my business. Because of financial reason we sold our house and split up. We lived close by and stay as good friends. We still would see each other.


We decided to give it a try again but the magic seem gone. I always wanted to do things she rather stay home. She seem depresses for a while and not happy with her self.

I started going out with my friends and doing other things rather then hang out with her because It didn't feel right. I never cheated on her b/c I love her and respect her. And I really believe the same for her. We would talk on the phone everyday and see each other maybe once or twice week. Not enough in my opinion being that we live about 5 minutes away. A few months ago I started to notice she starting working out and taking care of her self.. Her depression seem to had gone away for good.


About 3 weeks ago she told me it was over.She said we didn't make a good couple anymore. I though it was going be a good idea b/c I was thinking about breaking up with her a few month before. We didn't even spend the Holiday together .I guess I didn't break up b/c I love her and I always though she was going to snap out and be her old self again.


Now that she broke up with me I can believe how much I miss her! I mean I was not happy with the relationship b/c we never hangout and she always made up and excuse and stay home. We just didn't seem to be communicating as much anymore. But now that she's change she does not want me in her life as a boyfriend anymore just as a friend. I want her back really bad! I know I have to give her space and I respect her decision. I wrote her a letter and told her how I felt. I know I can make her happy and if we go back,.as long as she can make be happy and is willing to do things together again. I want to eventually merry her. Since I wrote her that letter we talked one last tine about two weeks ago I have not call her since and it's been two long weeks.



A girl friend of mines told me I shouldn't call her anymore and I have stuck to her advice. I wanted to ask you guy's for your advice if there is anything else I can do b/c It's been very hard for me .All I do is think of her.


If is not meant to be then I guess I'll move on. I'm a good person with many things going for me now (a good career , personality ,even looks) I know I can meet somebody easily and the same for her. I though we where made for each other. I know she has to have some love for me b/c we where there for each other threw good and bad and we were like best friends very connected. What should I do? Is it really over? I found out that she when on a date the other day and to me that smells like the end .Anyways I appreciate your advice I really need all the help I can get. Thank you

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First you say "I was not happy with the relationship b/c we never hangout and she always made up and excuse and stay home. We just didn't seem to be communicating as much anymore. " then you say " I thought we were made for each other", I'm a bit confused. You also, never mentioned her reasoning for the break up. Can that reasoning be dismissed?


Working out is a much a metal exercise as a physical one, as she pumped those irons she was giving herself a reason to feel good even when she sat home alone, she was loving herself. Can you say you made her feel like that? Did you try?


I think that what you're feeling is a normal sense of lose after any realtionship. I say, move on, she's gained her confidence and maybe moving on, maybe you should give it try. Why not try someone new?

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Her reason for breaking up was that we didn't communicate as much and since we didn't spend that much time with each other I guess she move on. Yes I know I should have done more, easier to see now that she's gone .I know I defiantly learn lot from my mistakes and whom ever I meet next is going to be very lucky. I just wish she gave me that chance. I would really make it wok but I cant do it with out her help, I cant force her love me. All I got going for me is that I was always there for her.We where really where good friends and the fact that she know's I'm a good person and that I love her.So I'll guess I hang in tight and take it like man seems like your right she's probably move on 

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