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please HELP!!feel depressed no.of reasons, NEVER had a boyf!

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ok so im depressed, felt like this on and off for a couple of years, just normal stuff like school work(doin GCSEs)and friends , can be lonely sometimes not that i havent got any friends, its just theres not alot of them. people can perseive me as quiet and shy but hey i like to go out and have a laugh just like any one else, but just dont get chance to eg money and friends. sometimes have good and bad days. also havent ever had a boyfriend or kissed anyone. i mean im not a really ugly person, think i just dont get out enough to socialise with other males. it can be hard sometimes to talk ot them but i dont have a boring personality i dont think. dont know whats wrong with me!! so feeling down and lonely, just need someone to talk ot i suppose. probabaly sound stupid and sad but hey at least i tried. hope to hear some replies but probably wont.


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wow never thought i would find someone with the same problem. i know how you feel, well except about the not having a b/f cuz im a guy and i dont want one lol. im not really depressed as i am jealous i think. is that what your problem is? like i see these people who are good talkers and everyone likes them and stuff and it makes me depressed to see their awesome fun lives and compare it to mine. if thats the case just "try" to block those people out, thats what i do anyway and it works pretty good for me. about the b/f thing, if you really think hard there is probably at least 1 guy that likes you that you haven't noticed but if you didnt notice them i guess they aren't worth going out with huh? just find 1 guy and "work your charm" if what i said is your problem forget those people and just live life the way you want

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I am the same way. I do not have a lot of friends except at work, but I never hang out with them. The last time I hung out with friends was high school. I am shy and quiet as well,. And people always asking me why I'm so quiet. I consider myself average looking and unfortunately I am 26 and never had a girlfriend or ever kissed a girl or been kissed by a girl. I think I've had about 2 dates my whole life and like you I have good days and bad days. I do get depressed and seem to be getting more and more depressed as the days go on. I just cannot deal with this feeling of being alone and having this feeling that I will never find someone. I just thought I'd post to let you know your not the only one and seeing how you are a woman you shouldn't have a hard time meeting someone. I mean guys are morely likely to approach a girl, than a girl would approach a guy. At least I've never had a girl approach me and ask me out.

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I know where you guys (and girls) are coming from too.

I am a very quiet person (although it was really bad a few years ago it's alot better now) and shy most of the time especially when guys are involved, but I put that down to my personality. I still try and make conversation, even if I don't know what to say.


I haven't been asked out for 5 years and have had 3 boyfriends, but that was baby stuff. I have asked out guys recently but only one seemed interested but stood me up.


I don't have too many friends but I don't mind too much.


I don't even know what to look for when a guy likes me, I am starting to think more and more that they like those girls who wear tight jeans and tight tops, that's not my style so what so I do?


I don't go out with just anyone, I am not picky I just don't go for the bad boys, jerks, players etc or smokers for that matter. I like nice guys who don't feel like they have to be someone they are not.


I am not ugly, I have gotten past that it was just me who thought that but hopefully I will meet someone who appriciates quiet girls.

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hi guys and girls, i hope i can answer this one.


when i was 12 i didnt really know how to talk to girls.

i was kinda shy or did what every other guy did "kick them tease them call them names and much much more.


what helped me was i liked to chat in chat rooms.

i felt more comfee talking to girls online because i wasnt face to face and i really didnt feel like i was attractive.


so i got used to that and i even tried the online girlfriend thing"thats optional" but its a start right?


i wish you guys and girls the best of luck.

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You have to put yourself in different situations than you are. I think coming to this site was the best thing you could do so far. I have just joined today and I have been helped so much already. I know how it is to feel alone. Even though I have a girlfriend it is a long distance relationship at the moment and it is really hard. For a long time in high school girls woudn't pay attention to me and I began to hate myself and life as well. There are people just like you who feel the same way. All I can say is be patient, all great things come to he/she who waits. You will meet a guy one day that you will fall in love with and you will be able to kiss him all you like, if it could happen to me it will most certainly happen to you. Im sure that is an incouraging thought.




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