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Everything posted by roswill

  1. ok so im depressed, felt like this on and off for a couple of years, just normal stuff like school work(doin GCSEs)and friends , can be lonely sometimes not that i havent got any friends, its just theres not alot of them. people can perseive me as quiet and shy but hey i like to go out and have a laugh just like any one else, but just dont get chance to eg money and friends. sometimes have good and bad days. also havent ever had a boyfriend or kissed anyone. i mean im not a really ugly person, think i just dont get out enough to socialise with other males. it can be hard sometimes to talk ot them but i dont have a boring personality i dont think. dont know whats wrong with me!! so feeling down and lonely, just need someone to talk ot i suppose. probabaly sound stupid and sad but hey at least i tried. hope to hear some replies but probably wont. bye,
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