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me again... (part 4... im sooooooo depressed lol)

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have you asked her about it? i mean why dont you just come straight out with it and ask if shes interested in you, if so, would she like to go on a date, ask her instead and then if she claims to be busy or pass them off you know that you asked and heard with your own ears what she said.


besides how many times is she going to blow you off before she realises that your going to wander and have less interest? shes just loosing a good thing!


her loss if she continues, and i believe you should view it that way without becoming big headed lol *smiles*


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Thx kel... I think Im gonan try that and ask her to hang out once more... if she claims she's "busy" then I'll just start pulling away... I do still have to go to prom with her though... so thats gonna be kinda weird but thats life lol



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