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I don't think I can have sex.


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For a man of your age hormones take precedence over all, even drinking. I don't think drinking adult beverages is the root of your challenge. I had this problem when I was 18, the issue was nervousness and wanting to please so bad that you sabotage yourself. You can overcome this by really getting into the foreplay, really immerse yourself into it, to the point just before the woman cums. By then you'll be rock hard (and you'll know what to do). After this I was a sexual Tyrannosaurus Rex with multiple orgasms and having sex for (my all time best record) 10 hour stretchs. Thats what you have to look forward too, So go get her (T-REX).


10 hours? what are you, superman? i can't even remember the last time i had 10 hours of free time. ridiculous. lol.

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The joke about alcohol is - you last much longer than usual, BUT, maintaining an erection is more difficult, my record was 5 hours, but it's a little painful if you can't finish all the time (there ain't no Plus in life without a Minus, lol)

Having sex after minimal drinking is quite interesting and you are more eager to try out something, drinking makes your primitive instincts come out, but being sober it's such an incredible emotional experience...


Just forget that "I have a disfunction" thing, the more you think about it, the more you'll get it, perhaps you're nervous a little...

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The joke about alcohol is - you last much longer than usual, BUT, maintaining an erection is more difficult, my record was 5 hours, but it's a little painful if you can't finish all the time (there ain't no Plus in life without a Minus, lol)

Having sex after minimal drinking is quite interesting and you are more eager to try out something, drinking makes your primitive instincts come out, but being sober it's such an incredible emotional experience...


Just forget that "I have a disfunction" thing, the more you think about it, the more you'll get it, perhaps you're nervous a little...


5 hours? were you on something? that's just not natural.

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5 hours? were you on something? that's just not natural.

after 2 litres of wine and a forgotten amount of 30% alcoholic coffee flavoured liqueur everything is possible...


I still wonder how I managed to get a condom on... I guess that's the state some people call "autopilot"...

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In my experience, drinking and horn/erection go hand in hand. I don't buy alcohol being the culprit in this situation. I think most males would agree. It sounds to me like it is a mental issue. You may be over thinking, lack of experience, etc.

I went through something similar in college when I had my first experience. I could not perform even though everything was perfect. That was not the only time it happened.

It has been all in my head. For me, it is my anxiety. If this relates to you at all, you need to understand that everything you do and feel stems from your brain. Your brain sends signals to your penis, based on your experiences, thoughts, feelings and perceptions, plain and simple. Your penis may may just feel like it is protecting itself from "uncharted" territories based on your lack of experience style perceptions.

I don't know your situation well enough, I am just throwing out my experiences as they seem similar to yours.

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translated HEX:

46 4F 52 45 56 45 52

79 6F 75 72 73

69 6D

6C 69 66 65

61 6E 64

4C 4F 56 45


Like I said originally " more Analog is needed"


If you have the right woman next to you anything is possible. No "little blue pills" necessary.


5 hours is ludicrous though...regardless of the woman.



it's ASCII...find a chart.

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