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I don't know how to ask him out?

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This is very confusing for me and am stuck with a problem. I fancy a guy, but don't know how to find a way of talking to him. It started about 5 months ago. I started work in a new job, and saw this guy I liked. As soon as I saw him I knew I liked him. He worked in a different department to me though and I never really got a chance to talk to him. I left my job about a month ago for a better one. three weeks ago I decided I would ask the guy if he wanted to go out for a drink. I gave my number to a friend who worked with him and asked him to pass it on. He passed it on, but the guy never called me. His response was 'What does he want me to call him for?'. I told my friend to give him my number again and just ask him to call. He did this but now two weeks has passed and he has not called so I assume he never will. I am totally in love with this guy, and desperately want to meet him, but I don't know how to do it. He obviously wont phone, I don't know where he lives or hangs out, and don't know his number. How can I ask him if he wants to go out for a drink, without seeming a complete retard? There is also no chance of me seeing him in person, but I would still like to be friends with him reguardless. Any ideas?

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If fancy this guy so much? How could you really be friends with him? Ask yourself do you want to be his friend or his buddy with a crush? It's not really fair to him or you, if you pretend to be his friend all the while having these feelings for him. My thought is that maybe there is a chance that he is not gay.

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