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I need help-oral sex that feels good?(GUYS-HELP!)

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Hey you all.

This is a little embarrassing but I need a guys opinion. I've been interested in this guy who's a year older then me. He kind of likes me, too. The problem is, he has ALOT more experience then me(I've never given a guy a handjob OR a blowjob) and I don't want to look bad, or just not mkae him completely satisfied that way. I don't even know if you're supposed to hold the penis while giving oral sex. I'm clueless, and I want tips to the perfect handjob AND blowjob...

thank you!


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hey kirsten,


I am slightly confused by your position with this guy. Are you dating yet, or just 'intimately flirting'- if that at all? You said theres only interest, so why are you looking so far ahead if your not in a relationship with him yet? Or maybe you are and im just slow to catch on! In any case i'll advise anyway.


Giving a handjob and blowjob a lot of requires patience on your part. Don't get frustrated or impatient, instead show that you are enjoying it- look up at him and grin. The tip/ head of the penis is the most sensitive part- almost like the 'G-spot'. Think of it as an area which tickles, so the more you tickle it, the more he'll laugh . In the case of a handjob, don't bash too hard or it would start to hurt, which is also why i would suggest a lubricant of some sort when trying this method. Again, re-direct the focus of your fingers everynow and then to the 'g-spot', and almost massage it.


The same tactics should be used while giving a blowjob, except you use your tongue. Make sure your teeth don't get in the way either because that hurts- pretend its a lollipop or something . As bad as it may sound to you girls, what really gives the guy pleasure is the visual bit. thereforeeee, you've got to make it look good girl. How do you staisfy the man? The guy will see the meat as the bone, and the girl as a hungry -i mean really hungry- dog. The more hungry you are, the more satisfied he will be (thats how guys rate a pornstar ) Don't forget the 'g-spot' either. Im not going to expand any further, expect to tell you to keep that in mind.


But again, i hope your not doing any of this if you two ain't officially together or anything. Good luck

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  • 2 months later...
Hey you all. I need a guys opinion. The problem is, he has ALOT more experience. I don't want to look bad I want tips to the perfect handjob AND blowjob...

thank you!


...................................If you are perfect he may wonder how many others have you practiced on to get that good. It would be better if you asked him what he liked because you've never done it. He would be honored to be the first & excited to call the shots.
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  • 2 weeks later...
cmon...anyone...please! I really really think it could work between the guy and me.


I really have a problem with this statement. If it really could work betwen you two, that would be because he loves you. It wouldnt matter if you SUCKED at giving blowjobs or not! When me and my girlfriend got together, neither of us were able to do stuff very well, however I had at least done it a couple times before. She never had. If he really likes you, he'll get used to it. It took her a good 6 months, really even longer, before she got reallllly good at it. just go really fast over the head and he'll be happy. lol.

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a word of advice about all this "attention" everyone's saying to give the head: less is more. you don't want to overstimulate him to the point he's laughing or it tickles or worse - it hurts. just show it some attention every now and then. but there's a WHOLE PENIS to think about, so remember that. rookies - like you - tend to focus on just the head (that's how experienced guys know girls are new to the oral game) but really good chix can work the head while stroking the shaft AND getting some more southern action in there (they're called balls. their ugly, but they come with the territory - like pubic hair) all while looking seductively into his eyes like you are SO HAPPY to be there.

but don't stress. EVERY guy likes head, period. it's great. as long as he thinks you'd rather be doing nothing in the world than sucking the life out of him, he'll walk (if he can) away a satisfied man.

and no guy will think it's not your first time if you tell him it is. he'll just think he found a protege.

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