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lost and alone... where do I go?

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I dont know anything about promises from god so I wont comment on that but I will coment about being complete. I think being compleate within yourself means emotionally and spritually and being happy with the person you are, not physically inside. Of course having self worth abou the way you look or your image is important but I believe that there are lots of men with the same amount of ribs as you who are infact complete. Its good that you have a belief in God but why dont you try to rely less on HIM making you feel like life is worth living and start to rely on YOURSELF. God is just like any good friend they cant help you only you can help you.

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You are a deep dude, and I can totally relate, but you can't think like that. Most people are totally dissatisfide with their lives (including me) so you are not alone.


Just remember that all it takes is one person to pull you out of the crap of your daily wallowing. Also, find a hobby that you like to do. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you.

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Hi Nifty!


I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Your response caught my attention:

yet night after night I find myself in my apartment staring at the sealing completely alone. I spend my days going through the motions desperately looking for something that will put value into my life


I think that as we grow up and mature, we tend to feel 'alone,' so to speak, because everyone's doing their own thing. People go their own separate ways, but you shouldn't feel like your life has no meaning. You should be proud of yourself. Nice people are hard to find, and a lot of the responses that you've shown on this site, show me that you're truly a nice person.


You offer sincere advice. In one way or another, your advices do make a difference. So, the part where you said that your life has 'no value', I think that it does. You're trying to help people. In that sense, you do have value.


Whatever you do, don't put yourself down. I mean it! It's very rare to see that people actually still care. So don't be so hard on yourself. I can say that one thing's for sure, it's really comforting to know that there are still people like you in this world, who are genuine and down to earth.


Maybe you just need to take a vacation somewhere, or find new interests, new hobbies. I don't live alone, but at night, sometimes I stare at the ceiling too, and feel sad like you do, but it's only normal. Some days are better than others. We will all have our ups and our downs.


What might help you is to look back at your past, and reflect upon the things that you enjoyed most when you were a kid. I think that as we get older, things seem repititive, and the only thing that keeps us going are the things that we are passionate about.


So, find things that you liked doing when you were a kid. It's important to let that inner-child inside of you out, then you'll truly find what makes you happy. It's that free-spirited feeling that will give you more zest in life.


I hope that my response helped. Feel better k!

Take care!

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Hey Nifty,


Sometimes God says, Wait and No, he doesn't just fulfill promises,especially, if we promise him something and it has conditions, I don't think it works that way.

Now growing up, were you always lonely? Did you have a close relationship with mom or dad?

I have been a 'loner' most of my life with friends off and on. I went just about two weeks once just staying in my room by myself. Thinking and journaling. Sometimes I think it's healthy to invest some private time into yourself.

But are you trying to initiate any contact, like going out and partying now and then, meeting friends of friends etc?? Sometimes you just have to initiate things for things to happen.

Just some tidbits of thought for you.



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Hey dude


I am in no way trying to place moral judgement about the relegion topic, I'll leave that to the big guy upstairs. I hear what you are saying, and I do believe what you said, this is of your own choosing why you are alone. You can change all of that you know. Here are a few suggestions things that I have learned. I really believe with over 1200 different types of religions that everyone has a different opinion. For me religion is very private, and I try and keep it to myself. The reason why is people take things different and become offensive.

When someone comes right out and starts to talk about religion, I distance myself from them.Because of the differences and so many choices, it is hard to get on the same sheet of music with a total stranger about religion. I believe in god myself, but I really don't talk about it with anyone unless they ask what my religious beliefs are. I would suggest if you are always finding yourself bringing up the topic of religion and god. that you stop, it may be turning people off. Another way to meet people is go to Yahoo the personal ads, and place an ad it is totally free. It is all based on zip codes, and you will find someone in your area. I have an ad up myself and it has been amazing. I do believe you have to put up some creative pictures, and not just the standard head shot. I have three pictures up and a receive several responces a week. It will help you get out of the Apt. I think you will find a whole new life. I met a wonderful lady and we are having the time of our life. So just back off of the relegion and give it a try. I think you will attract a whole new crowd of people. You may have been labeled and not even know it.


Good Luck and God Bless us all



8) 8) 8)

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