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i'm getting paranoid now?


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I slipped into the heat of the moment today and really would appreciate feedback.


My period ended just 2 days ago. I had been on the pill for about 10 months now but 2 weeks ago. I got off it because of some issue about my bf and me (you might have read the post "sex and being catholic") I guess it's obvious to say that we've started to be intimate again. And I started on the pill last Sunday (today is Thursday). But anyway, to the point now, today we were just playing around and he was naked and i only had a g string on adn i was riding him...just on him..he wasn't in me...Now I'm curious if there had been pre-cum and if that could have gotten to me.


I was off the pill (Alesse) for one week, and the very next day after I got my period!! And since the period, I went right back on the pill. Is it effective?

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I am no doctor, but I would say you are fine. If he wasn't in you I doubt enough pre-cum could of gotten in you to do anything even if you were not on the pill.


If indeed since your last period you have taken the pill at approx. the same time everyday then you are doubley fine.


No worries.. But the best recourse is not to have sex if you are not ready to have kids... Kind of a fun killer I know, but it is true.


Kind of reminds me of all those people who whine about drug tests.. I always tell them well if you didn't do drugs you wouldn't have anything to worry about.. hehehe off topic but it is true!!

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Pre-cum could have gotten inside you, but you said you had your period the day after, so I think your safe. And then you started the pill again which is great, so it sounds good. Still some women bleed when they're pregnant, so if you notice weight gain or any other symptoms, have it checked out, otherwise I think you are fine. Just don't play with the pill, I got off of it for only a week, and when I was going to get back on, I was pregnant.



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In my honest opinion you have absolutly nothing to worry about cakes! I mean think about it, you are currently taking birth control (which prevents pregnancy 98%), you had underware on (despite how skimpy it was), and it is VERY VERY VERY unlikely that any pre-cum did get on you, let alone inside you...


I think it's safe to say that you're fine. I wouldn't worry about it at all.

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