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Hmmm what does she want

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My gf and i broke up a month ago. We went out for 1 year and 4 month.This was very hard for me, so i didnt do the no contact thing. I just couldnt not have her outa my life. So for the last month ive been talking to her everyday and telling her i love her and always will. She things that alot of guys like her which they dont they just want play. But she dosebt know that and she ends up liking them. So last week she got a tattoo and i went w/ her during the tattoo i was holding her up and talking to her so she couldnt feel the pain. When i got home from dropping her off i called and told her how much i missed her and she said " i know i miss u 2" she said that she was getting all her feelings for me back. But y dosent she want to go out w/ me. She says she loves me and sometimes act likes it but sometime dosent. She say she is confused, she things im going to tie her down which im not at all. So what should i do. Should i wait around until she realizes im right for her or should i move along and stop thinking about her or what any advise will help

thanx simon

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this is simple..This girl fell for u and shes scared to get hurt again..stay friends with her..ask her out to eat or movies , something formal im thinkin..but write her a note expressin ur sensitivve side..girls love a guy who can be emotionally ingaged with there feelings and aint scared to let them know..that makes us dependent on u to give advice but i mean what can it hurt..flirt with her and ake some eye contact learn how to read body language is all i gotta say..hope i helped some..peace

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