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broke up with me but we are meeting in a week

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HI all I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 months. During that time I was hot and cold and very emotional because I have a lot of stresses with my family as my mother is ill , have had to support them so I never have any money and have taken it out on my boyfriend . I did a foolish thing by e-mailing him a letter that I wrote to a friend who has a crush on me where I was telling him how miserable I am and basically left out all the good things my boyfriend and I shared because I did not want to hurt my friend's feelings. The reason I forwarded the letter was so that my boyfriend could see how much I am hurting. Well he was sick and tired of me pushing him away, telling him maybe he should break up with me, maybe I am not ready for a relationship that he broke up with me saying he can't do this anymore and I am disrespectful of the relationship. I asked him if he loved me and he said yes, so I said if you do then don't give up on us and he said he was so confused he needed his space. I asked him how much space and he said one week. He wanted me to go home that night but it was late so I stayed over . In the moring he was still mad and seemed annoyed I was there. He said he needed to be away from me before he got angry about the situation again. Does anyone think I have a chance with him. I have decided that the reason I was so moody was because before I met him I had plans to go back east to grad school and because of him I was giving it up and delaying it for another year. I have decided to stay where I am and apply to a school close home next year and think this final decision will aleve the stress. Anyone have any advice as to how to win him back when I meet up with him? thanks so much.

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  • 5 weeks later...

If you want to win him back you will have to play it cool.


When you meet dont talk about the relationship, try to avoid getting emotional.


The best thing you can do is try to keep it friendly, show him that you are strong and make him want you.


If you a weak he will sense it and will run a mile.


You have a chance to show him who you really are, most of us on this site would love to get a chance to show our exs we have changed.


After a couple of meetings, then you can sit down and tell him how you feel. Start of slow, tell him about ur future plans and see if there are any compromises you can both make to work things out.


If its worth fighting for it, fight. If not then try to move on however hard it is.


Hope its been of some help.


Good luck



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