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Someone sent this to me.... Thought it might be of help to some people.






Did she say "Let's just be friends", "I am not in love with you", "I still care about you" etc.?



1. It's over - as in FINAL. She's gone. She's NOT coming back.


2. Her FOCUS in life is someone else already. You're nobody.


3. You're no longer welcome. DO NOT MAKE CONTACT. Do not call, do not write - EVER. You're annoying her.


Dumpees, Wake Up:




4. You MUST break the attachment by focusing on YOURSELF.


5. Don't even THINK about being "friends" with her. Don't torture yourself.


6. Get her OUT of your life. Get her pictures, letters, and other reminders OUT OF SIGHT. Pack them away or trash them.


7. Acknowledge your grief - wail out loud, punch your pillow, let your heart mourn. Let the pain out.


8. Express your anger. Write a farewell letter to her, but DO NOT SEND. Write out why you were or are angry at her. Get them all down. And why you are angry at yourself for what you did not do


9. Exercise A LOT.


10. GET OUT of the house. Go do things YOU like to do.


11. Stay away from alcohol.


12. Determine the qualities she had that you want in future partners, and the qualities she had that you don't want.


13. List the lessons learned - What you should have done differently.


14. It is tempting to hold on and scary to LET GO. Say to yourself that you're letting go of her. LET THE PAST GO.


15. Structure your time and stay BUSY.


16. INTERRUPT yourself whenever you get stuck thinking about her and REDIRECT your focus onto something productive.


17. Take it ONE day at a time.


18. It's better it happened NOW rather than later down the road.


19. It's GOOD that it happened, because you're now FREE to find someone BETTER.


20. A NEW and BETTER life is waiting for you. You WILL find someone BETTER. So MOVE ON!!! - BECAUSE SHE ALREADY HAS.

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That's it. That's what I've been trying to tell people while I've been here. I don't even need to offer advice anymore. EVERYBODY, read that! That's all you need to know! Print it out, put it on your wall! Men AND women, it works both ways! I'm leaving. That's it for me. You're healed. Good bye, good luck.

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