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he WAS sleeping with his ex.....!

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This is a revised edition...


I met this guy at uni in second semester last year (about June). He and his then gf had just broken up. Ironically, I had just begun a relationship with someone else and thereforeee tried to put my attraction to him out of my head. We became good friends over that semester, and he showed interest in me, on a very plutonic level of course because he knew i had a bf - but i also got a vibe that he was interested in me on another level too, just from little things that he did.


Recently I broke up with my boyfriend, mostly because I was starting to realise that I really did like this other guy very much, and it wasnt fair to my boyfriend.


Since then this guy and i see each other every now and then, he asks me to eat out with him or to do stuff, like go to the beach etc and we have a very good relationship. Friends seem to think that he is interested in me romantically, and to be honest he does seem to - he touches my arm and laughs at my jokes and invites me to do things alot...


HOWEVER, I found out last night that about a month of 'no contact' after he and his girlfriend broke up, they started sleeping together (im not sure if it was on a regular basis or not). They continued like that for the whole time I was getting to know him at uni, right up until November last year when he decided that it would be better for them both to move on (several months after they initially broke up?!).


He said that he is over her now, and she has moved away from here just recently - but is still in love with him.


If he was sleeping with his ex all that time, could he have had feelings for me as well? Does anyone think there was/is even a chance? Is there a chance that it was just 'sex' between them, and that he might like me?


- sprkal

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Well im no expert but I have done this whole sleeping with the ex thing twice in my lifetime now.

All I can say is this: theres still feelings of course and if your continuing to tsleep together thats only keepin the feleings there, the reason ive slept with exs and reasons they have slept with me are because when you break up with someone its commonly because of timining or something like that, not because you dont love one another there for in my experiences weve continued to sleep together even tho were exs because theres feelings still there and theres no real intrest in anyone else yet, you see you might think well if he still had feelings for her why isnt he just with her still, maybe he does stil have feelings but knwos the r/ship wont work, maybe shes hurt him or he isnt at right place in life now etc, soits easy for them to still sleep together, and no matter what u think, there is still feelings there betwen them, you cant break up and still sleep together n not feel anything.

In your case though I would say he isnt interested because he definelty would have told you or something by now, but maybe he is intrested in a way but because hes continued sleeping with his ex he was more happy just keeping to that for the time being.

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P.s of course they were sleeping together in a regular basis, esp if it continued for 7 mnths, I mean there was no obvious next morning regrets if they had 7 mnths to feel that.


I'd say eh still liked her but it wouldnt work out between em and he knew that so maybe hes realized now he needs to move on and just find someone else even tho still has feelings for her

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Stay away from him..thats my advice to u..ull understand why im saying this if yall end up going out..im tellin u run run and dont look back. this guy is BAD news and u dont need that.. Get back with ur b.f. who loves u and cares for u this guy will feed u lied up the wootang..hes flriting with u oviously and just wants sex..dont give it to him..if ur real interested and think im wrong..go out with him but im warning u hes an jerk thats gunna try saying he loves u in bout leme see.2 or 3 days give it a week..dont think to much bout this..im not tryin to tell u this for my benifit im saying this to u for urs..hes a player or trying to be..either case hes BAD and i hate him already...I MAY be wrong but i doubt that..hes a jerk lead him on and drop him on his butt..leave him there and dont let him sweet talk u..thats a bad one..is he from cali? if so yea im not against cali guys but ok yes i am...

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