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Getting to Know a Girl


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What kind of things do I say to a girl to make them like me?


I've been having problems with a girl, sometimes early in the morning she says one word answers and I don't know whether she's playing hard to get or if she doesn't like me at all.


Other times she'll speak to me openly as if I'm her best mate.


I've already asked her out once before but she had a b/f now she doesn't.


Where do I go from here? Where could I take her on a date



Thanks in advance.

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Hi Silversun,


When it comes to saying things to get girls to like you there aren't any. There are no magic works, there are lines but there's no guarantee that it will work. All you can do really is be yourself when your around her, show her the real you don't try faking it becaue more than likely they find you out and the dump you. If she has a bf then i suggest just being her friend and wait until she breaks up with him. If he finds out that your sniffing around her and she breaks up with him, he's going to see you as the cause of the break up.


If you are going to take her out somewhere as a friend, i suggest taking her bowling, indoor rock climbing or some sort of activities that you both will enjoy doing.


Hope this has helped .


Inu Yasha

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My friend,

Some women just aren't morning people. You should not take it personally. She may like you and not be able or ready to express it. OR she might not know how she feels yet. I think the best thing you can do is talk to her and ask her about her interests and herself. I find that the people who have liked me the most were interested in me and asked me about my self, my family, my likes/dislikes, opinions, etc... Even if I didn't have much to say I realized that it showed a lot of caring and respect if they did this. And I found that if I did the same I was being more caring and likeable myself. It makes for a better relationship no matter how it progresses.


So I say ask her questions about herself that other people might not ask. Not too personal ones, just nice ones. If she opens up and starts asking you I think you will know what she thinks of you. If not you haven't lost anything by being a gent.


hope that helps some


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Hello Silversun =)


As you heard before, there are no perfect ways to talk to a girl or magic words you can use to make them like you. I say, be yourself. Show your true personality. Be genuine. Do not be something you're not, just to impress her or to show off. Of course, don't forget to smile .


Hope that helps in some way.


Best of luck,



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