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*On "A Break" how can i cope?*

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Hi, I know what you're going through. You feel especially powerless and there is nothing you can really do to make the it any better; it's a very frustrating scenario!


You are very strong for lettting her go (you had no choice) but you MUST remember that your best chance for getting her back is to let her GO. If you smother her now she will not have a chance to miss you.


Let her go and we will all be praying for you in the meantime!

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That is great advice for you malphas.


I too let me girl go after she said she was confused and need time to think and yes she cheated on me. But letting her go is the best thing I can do. And in your case you should too. I know it is not exactly the same situation, but it still remains the same if you let her go it would be best.

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