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Does she like me? Im crazy about her!


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There is this girl I really like, we are kind of friends, even if we never talk at school. I have been almost living with her for around 6 days(sports competition we are in the same team). Well while we where there we had alot of free time and I was almost always in her room. We talked about alot of things and laughed alot too. She has a boyfriend and I am perfecly aware of that, but it seems she likes me too. Here is what was goign on:


Well we looked at each other in the eyes smiling almost all week, I made her laugh alot, she was sometimes touching my arm and legs, we sleeped(took naps in the same SMALL bed) together for a couple of hours(she asked me to), she also asked me to sleep all night in her room, which I didnt because she has a boyfriend and maybe my coach would of anoyed me. She also played with my hair and finally, I was just sitting in another friend's room and all of a sudden just just sat on me.


I do not have alot of experience, but to me it seamed that she was really interested in me. Anyways I really like her, find her really beautiful and also like her personnality. Please answer fast, and tell me if I should talk about this with her.

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It sounds like she really likes you. I am hesitant to respond b/c I have a similar problem and myself am asking for advice in another post. But as you explain it, she seems to really like you. I think that if you feel comfortable talkng to her about this you should. Since she asked you to stay in her room and you said no, you may have kind of the "upper hand" so to speak in asking her if she likes you.

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She likes u but...the boyfriend thing might bring trouble into the situation if u tell her to soon..wait and be friends keep doin what ur doin .. maybe bring up to her the next time she sits on ur lap .. dont u have a boyfriend"?some thing simple as that will get her to open up..

she may say something like " yea but we arnt gettin along right now"..if she says something like that let her continue sittin on u.. hehe


i still donno how to use them smiles and quotes sorrys llol..

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yup ... she's interested. Would she sit on your lap, nap with you, smile at you, make goo-goo eyes, and invite you to sleep over-night if she didn't??? ok ... now that we can clearly see that she's interested we have to figure out a plan! The 'boyfriend' is the first issue. Somehow, some way you need to find out exactly what's up with that. My suggestion is to either wait for her to mention him, or for you to boldly ask her yourself. You might want to simply say, "listen ... I'd like to know how serious your relationship with your boyfriend is?" then, give her a chance to open up. If she says they're in love and all that stuff, like it's pretty serious, then you might want to ask her what she expects from you. If she says things are a mess with him, then casually ask why she hasn't ended the relationship. You'll know what to say depending on her response ... just be yourself - be honest about what you feel - be brave and confident. It sounds to me like you are both into each other, she is comfortable with you, enjoys your company and she obviously trusts you!

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I have a similar situation, though it's long distance. If you want to relieve yourself of this whole burden, then ask her, it's the best way. You know more about her than anyone else here, just ask her, and you can finally be at peace knowing the answer. Though I doubt she'll say it, if she does say no, it's better than being in the limbo you're currently in. If you want to see my situation, it's in the long distance forum, the topic entitled "Advice...Will it work?"

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try talking with her on line or at luch have a little interation during school, but if she has a BF be carefull of your moves, if you nsping with her you asking for troble from her aBF if she breakes up with her BF then move in if not then stay close firends and see what happens

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