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what would be a decent way?


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I've posted about him in this thread.

A quick recap - He is raised in the US, I'm here for studies. We were matched through EH. His comment "oh so ours will be a green-card marriage" (x2) has left me wondering if I should go ahead with this person or not. But most other superficial things match and he said "A lot of our interests and what we want in other person is matching and I think we are compatible."

Its been a week now since we last talked. I was gonna email/call him past Sunday, but I realized that it was Superbowl so I didn't proceed. I want to talk and get it over with, this way or that way. He has suggested that we should meet. I said "I'm okay with meeting but before that I would like to talk one more time." He said "thats fine."

So, I was wondering what would be a decent way to put it out there what I'm feeling? I'm not pushing things to work. If its not meant to be, its not meant to be. But I don't like to just close the match abruptly.

This is what I'm planning on saying "I was wondering if you are looking for a US raised/US based girl? B'coz your comment "ours will be a GC marriage" has thrown me off and made me wonder."

What do you think? Thanx

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He replied to my email and said that distance would be an issue for him. I replied saying "Thank you. I appreciate your replying to my email. I understand your concerns. They are real. I sincerely wish you good luck. Take care."

Thank you everyone for your replies and support. I appreciate it.

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He replied to my email and said that distance would be an issue for him. I replied saying "Thank you. I appreciate your replying to my email. I understand your concerns. They are real. I sincerely wish you good luck. Take care."

Thank you everyone for your replies and support. I appreciate it.


oh man.... sorry to hear this Tinu


but at least you got closure before getting involved.

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