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I met a guy in one of my college classes and really hit it off with him. He has been calling me and we finally got together and watched a movie with one another. He came over to my apartment and we had a really good time. He is 24 and I am 23. There wasn't any making out, just him putting his hand on my leg and leaning into one another. When he left he gave me a hug and I think he wanted to kiss me but I just hugged him. I feel bad now because I saw him in class the next day and after class he just got up and walked right out. We don't normally talk after class because a lot of his buddies are in the room and they usually stick around and chat and I don't want to intrude. Do you think he is mad because I didn't kiss him? I wanted to, but it was our first time hanging out. From a man's perspective what do you think.

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It sounds like he was too timid to make a strong move and wanted you to either make it for him or make half of it. Don't worry if he is mad or not. If he does not call you or come around or whatever, talk to him later in the week and tell him you had fun, in a flirty, and if you can coquettish, manner. If he says me too, then say you should do it again. Leave it at that, he should get the message. Walk away.


If he doesn't do anything right away, sit on it, then tell him in a week or two that he should ask you out. He should make a move before then.

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Sounds like you have yourself a classey guy. He probably dosn't care that you didn't kiss him. If he really cared that much he would have tried to kiss you. He may have just had somewhere he had to go. I've been running all over the place today becous I just simply have a lot to do. I've probably walked out on a lot of my friends that wanted to talk to me today, but I'm just rushed today. He may have something similar. Go and talk to the guy. Try and get a second date. Just have fun.


God belss

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Some guys dont make moves to often. He probably wasnt sure if you wanted him to and that he might offend you. He also probably doesnt want to be the one to bring it up and talk about it after the fact. Ask him if he had fun and say you want to do it again sometime. Be really flirty with him and if he knows you want him to he will.

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