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Falling for a shy friend - will my love scare her?

inu yasha

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Hi everyone,


I've had feeling for this girl since September last year and it's only recently that i have gotten a little closer to this girl as a friend. My other girl friend knows about me liking her and can't understand why i haven't told her with me liking her for so long a doing nothing about it. There have been times when i've wanted to but me being the way i am i always say to myself that i'll do it later. This girl doesn't have a bf im very sure of that we talk now and then (when we get the chance) and we say "Hi" and wave to eachother when we see each other around campus. I really feel that i can connect with her and not like any of my other friends (girls). She is shy but hides her shyness by being a little loud (not too loud) almost as if she's afraid if anyone found out that she's shy she would feel week anyway im a little similar to that. But im a little shy when i comes to asking girls out i don't go for the direct approach i always make a mess (me being me ). I feel that she wants to get closer to me but she also trying to keep her image and not show that she's a soft touch to her friends. I mean she and i feel really calm and relaxed when were together but we never get to be because of interruptions, more than likely it's friends. Her Birthday is soon and im going to buy her something to show her my feelings but i don't know whether to confess to her then or before and how to do it. I know there's no right or wrong way to asking someone out you just go with the flow but im just having difficulties. I suppose im affraid of being rejected, and end up moping for ages and then the same thing will probably happen again i'll fall in love with someone else. But with this girl it's completely different it's the feeling that i get from her, she's definitely my type and she has all the qualities of my perfect partner and im just afraid of losing her.


With her being shy do you think that me confessing my feelings to her will scare her away?


Anyone have any ideas or advice, i'd really like to hear




Inu Yasha

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Hi nalini,


Thanks for replying to my post. Lately she's been on my mind and i've im quite sure that if she says "No" to me that we'll still stay friends but i really do feel like she's the ONE for me but im to afarid to ask. I mean i want her so much that i end up not asking just so that i don't get rejected im kind a stupid (but that's me... ). When i go over the actual part of me asking her if she go out with me all these different senarios come popping up and some are good and others are bad and it's kind of putting me off asking her out. She's a friend so i am comfortable talking with her but when it comes to things of this nature i can't seem to do anything it's almost like a freeze up and start making a mess of things with me being so nervous and a little shy. Im sure that everything will be OK but in my mind somewhere there's always doubt in myself and my capabilities.




Inu Yasha

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