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I realy don't know how to...

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My girlfriend broke up with me becouse she said she is on a different path now and its not just me...BUT...i know why she is thinking like that...when you don't get along with a person, you start to think you need a change...simple as that...i had some personal problems when we were together and because of that i was acting very anoying and i was pushing our relationship too hard forward...i told her that i have dealed with my problem and i'm ok now...but somehow she won't beleve me when i say that our relationship would be much greater than it was now...then i told her that we must forget my past and that we must start from the beginning if we want to stay friends...she accepted it.

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it sounds like things are going okay...i mean you said you wanted her to trust you again. ya know start over as friends...well that's what you got. i know it might be hard to handle because you still want more. but there is alot of trust issues involved. in order to win her back you have to take it slowly. you said

i was pushing our relationship too hard forward
well to show her you have truly changed you have to do things differently now. take it slower and be more relaxed. enjoy your friendship and when it comes time to make your move you will know. starting over is really hard to do but if you have patience it will work out.



hope that helps.....

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I am in the same exact situation as your ex girlfriend right now...and honestly.. I think the best thing you can do is accept what she says right now and just be her friend. Eventually my ex repected the fact that I needed some time and that we should be friends right now...and now I am actually thinking that I might want him back. You have to give a chance to miss you. The most attractive thing in a man is when he respects your wishes. If you start just accepting her as a friend...she will see that you love her so much that u are willing to let her go. I think that u too will be alright!....Time will Tell

Good look

let me know what happens



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Things are getting better...I called my ex and we talked for a while...nothing special just your everyday conversation...how are you...oh your grandma is coming..bla bla bla...it was nice to talk to her...anyway at the end she said she will email me about some problems she has with her computer...and then few minutes later she CALLED and asked me those things...I think she is just accepting me as a friend and there is nothing more...but it still feels strange. I've never been friends with an ex before. I don't know if I will be up for this. I'm in love with her too much.

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I blew it. I sent her TXT sayin i need some time alone to get over her and when i got her reply I tried to make her understand that now it would be great if we got together. I got carried away and then got really pathetic. She replied LISTEN TO YOURSELF. YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WITH THAT KIND OF A PROBLEM..bla bla bla



I really don't need this kind of pain in my life anymore. I'll erase all of her email and everything about her...To hell with her. If she isn't there to listen, she isn't worth any of my time...

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I called my ex ex. Because I realized she was the only one who ever listened, but when we were together I was just like my recent ex. Didn't want to communicate, didn't apriciate what i had....and so on. We talked for hours (with my ex ex). She was very nice and she calmed me down. Told me what I was so I could find myself again. Something my recent ex didn't know how. She's just not mature enough yet or never really loved me. I guess. I wasn't mature enough eather when I was her age. So I'm not really angry with her.

I gave my 100% and it is time to stop blaming myself. Its not just my fault. I gave her all the love she needed and all the support all the patience ... but no return. I've learned a lot from this. I hope she will 2 one day.

I know that one day she will call me and give me the same speach I gave 2 my ex ex. (or she will give it to someone else - i hope it will be me, 'couse I love her and will be there for her for the rest of my life even though as just a friend)Then I'll be happy to know that mi diosa has learned her lesson like me. Then she might understand me...


anyway I'm moving on. I need someone who knows how to listen and care about me...

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