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Life Blows


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Well everyone kept telling me how my life would get better after my divorce. Today I can prove everyone wrong. I just found out that in a few weeks I am no longer going to spend my weekends with my kids. During the school year I get them every other weekend. Now I will be working on those days. Why shouldn't I just end it now. Sure there will be pain for them for a few years but they are still young and will get past it in time and still live happy good lives. I just don't think I can take anymore crap being dumped on me. One by One every one I know is leaving me and not wanting to be around me. I have hit rock bottom and I see now way to climb back up. This hole is just way to deep now. I have hurt everyone I care about and I just can't take it anymore. It would be easier for them to have just one big pain for awhile and get over it knowing there will be no more.

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I'm not sure the circumstances behind you're not being to see your kids but every other weekend but rest assured, it would be better than them not seeing you forever. During the summer you should get at least half of that time with them and there should be other days that you get with the kids...they are hurting as well and to lose you completely would be something the would never recover from.


My kids haven't seen their birth mother (her choice) for almost nine years and they still miss her and it has caused some irreparable damage because she made a choice to not be in their lives...it's something they will not forget nor forgive her for.


Don't do anything rash...get some help, learn a better way to deal with these things, it's very difficult right after the crash and you always want to give up and take what seems to be the easy way out but it's never the best choice.


Be there for your kids, no matter what capacity, be there...I used to drive 3.5 hours one way just to have a fifteen minute breakfast with my kids at their school before they came to live with me...they have always come first with me and always will.


Get some help, there are places where you live that are free if you can't afford them and maybe someone there can help you through this hard time you're facing. Life is full or surprise and change, dealing with it makes us strong in mind and body.


Blessed Be,

Rev. Jerry

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Don't even think about it. The emotional damage you would cause is beyond words. My son lost his Mother at age 12....the pain he went through I would wish on no one.


There are ways to cope, get counselling, change shifts, change jobs, but please do not leave them Fatherless.

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